Chapter 3 - Mint's Lounge

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"Mint's lounge," Teyllie says to me as we do math work. "Huh?" I question in a confused tone as I look over at her. "After school today, there's this new music lounge not too far from here. Wanna go with me?" she asked, putting down her pencil. I glance down at her finished worksheet and groan, grabbing it from her. I start to copy her answers to my paper.

"How do you finish these so quickly?" I ask, forgetting about her previous question. "Aren't you a genius or something?" she laughs as I rush to copy her work. "I am a genius but math isn't exactly my strong point. But you're top of the class hun... And my best friend. See my point?" I hand her paperback to her and raise my eyebrow.

"Mint's Lounge," she says again. "What about it?" I ask, clearly oblivious to the situation. "I asked if you wanted to come with me after school Cinna," she says, passing her paper to the teacher.

I give the teacher my paper then look down at my phone. "Lemme ask my mom. She'll probably say yes." I smile at Teyllie before texting my mom.

My mother was a fan of Teyllie and knew she wouldn't get me into any trouble. As long as I was with Teyllie I could go anywhere. "Awesome, lemme know at lunch. Okay Cinnabun?" she laughed softly, brushing her brown hair out of her face.

Teyllie was probably the only grade 10 student that looked like a kindergartener. She has light brown hair and hazel coloured eyes, very beautiful. Her face slightly looks like a hamster, maybe a guinea pig.

"Alright Teyu," I say softly and lay my head on my desk. Teyllie and I have nicknames for each other. I am 'Cinnabun' because of how small and 'cute' i am and Teyllie is 'Teyu' for obvious reasons.

With that, the bell rang and I was off to my next class.

Much later

As usual, the end of school came quickly to me because I was on the schedule of the day I enjoy. The downside was that I had gym class last period. So I was slightly sweaty.

"Hey Tey, my mom said I can go. But you have to drop me off at home afterwards." I say to Teyllie as we walk to the music hall.

"Yea, Of course!" she says with clear excitement in her voice." Also, I said to tell me at lunch ''Cinna, where were you?" she asks as we approach my locker. I shrug and turn to my locker and open it, grabbing my binders and shoving them into my bag.

"I was in a practice room playing piano." I mumble quietly but loud enough for her to hear." I should have known... you're always in there." she says, gripping her bag strap. We both head for the doors and down the street towards my doom.

"Pastel aesthetic.," I say as we approach the lounge. The pastel pink sign above the door. ON the sign it says "Mint's Lounge." in cursive and an anime drawing of a pink-haired anime girl as the logo.

"Is this some sort of anime club?" I say with excitement, my eyes widening with excitement. "Anime, fashion, food, art and music. They have many activities to do here." Teyllie pats my head gently and walks up the steps to the lounge. "You coming?" she asks, staring down at me. "Yeah," I say with a bright smile upon my face and follow her up the stairs.

We walk in and were greeted by a tall Norwegian boy. His hair was black and he had long slender fingers." Hello, my name is Mint. I own this place." he says with a smile and approaches us. "Are you two under the age of 18? Because this lounge is strictly a safe place for students to come and be themselves."

Teyllie and I look at each other than look back at the boy. "Yea, we go to the high school down the street from here," Teyllie says as she shakes his hand and smiles. I look up at Teyllie to see that she has a soft blush upon her face.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I mumble quietly to myself. How could she be catching feelings for someone she just met?

Turns out, I was the last person who should be thinking that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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