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Hey guys so this will be the last and final part of my book thank you all for reading it and I hope you will read my next book I'm still chosen between soulmates famous and Gen2
But I just wanted to say thank you I hope you like my last and final part and I hope I left no cliffhanger for you guys but if I did tell me ❤️ I love you and enjoy my final chapter

Kirishima POV

It's been 6 years since I last had suicidal thoughts it's been 6 years since me and bakugo started dating it's been 6 years since I last saw my abusive dad and its been 6 years since I last cut, I still have scars but I don't care, "kirishima are you ready?" Mina knocked on my dorm room "yeah" I said, today we are becoming pro hero's we did it we finished college, I walked out of my dorm and we went to the place where we had to be seated "haha I'm not dumb bakugo I did it I passed college" denki said to bakugo "your gown is on backwards" bakugo looked at denki, I sat down next to bakugo "wow this is crazy" Mina said "that denki actually passed" jirou said "wait did you guys think I would actually fail" denki said "kinda" I said "I'm not that dumb" denki crossed his arms "your hat is on backwards too" bakugo said "U- okay maybe I'm dumb" denki said leaning on Shinsos shoulder and Shinso just pat his head and then about 15 minutes later it started "Iida has some words to say"Nezu said "thank you, Class we been through a lot together, between Bakugo getting kidnapped and then to Mr Night eye dying, rest his soul, but I just wanted to say that I'm happy that we all got to work together and I hope we all become wonderful hero's to keep the city safe, (he said more but that's all I got) iida finished the speech like 15 minutes later "All right now time for me to call names" nezu said, then he started calling names up "kirishima, bakugo,Jirou,Mina,Shinso and momo" nezu said "wait what about me." Denki said "oh and I almost forgot Denki" he finished then we walked up and took out scrolls then went back to our seats "I officially say that everyone is now a hero CONGRATULATIONS!" nezu said then everyone freaked out "FUCK YEAH!" Bakugo yelled

After that they went out to the arcade to celebrate they talked about what there plan was Mina and jirou are going to be moving into a apartment together, denki and Shinso are also moving into an apartment together and so are Kirishima and bakugo, after like 7 years bakugo is the number 1 in front of Deku and kirishima is number 4 right behind todoroki. After 9 years bakugo and kirishima have a whole family 5 children a 6 year old a 12 year old a 14 year old and twins of 15 year olds, kirishima and bakbakugo are happily married and love each other very much they never have fights and either of them don't have trust issues, they live a happy life each other and they both die when they are like around 50 from a villain they were blown up and died in each other arms, and kirishimas last words was "I would Have died with out you katsukis, Thank you"

ABHHH IM CRYING I can't this was sad T_T

Thank you for reading this is the end of my depressed kiri book I hope you liked it cause it made me cry while writing it 😔 I love you all ❤️

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