Chapter 7 - Daisy's confession

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Jake woke up, it was a colder day than usual. He decided to wear his blue jacket that was always wrapped around his waist, it wasn't just for show. He was slightly confused about yesterday but decided to let it slide. He walked to school, earlier this time. He wanted to catch Hailey and Zander going school, but because Zander forced Hailey to wake up so early, Jake was yawning as he looked out the window waiting for them to leave. After a good 10 minutes, Hailey and Zander exited the house, Zander looking annoyed. As Jake left the house, he overheard Zander say, "I WOULD have told you but Jake was there." Hailey laughed, and replied "You could have told Jake you were dating Luke as well. Your mind works oddly-" she cut off. She had seen Jake. She waved, slightly taken aback. Jake walked over. He stared at Zander, "So.. someone's got a boyfriend." he smirked. Zander stormed away to school. Hailey laughed. "Why are you up so early?" She questioned him as they followed Zander, quickly. "Urm, I wanted to walk with you guys. I also didn't want Drew to come to my house and walk with me." Jake replied, turning red, though this might of been from the fact he and Hailey were now jogging to keep up with Zander's walking speed. Hailey looked surprised and laughed as Zander noticed them running after him and he had now broken into a sprint. Jake fell back, panting. "Zander's..... f-fast.." he breathed. Hailey stopped running and went back to Jake. "Let's call off the chase." She sighed, also panting but not as much as Jake.

When they finally got to school, which took a while because Jake had a stitch in his side, they saw the rest of the music club. Milly was questioning Zander, "Why did you make us wake up so early." Luke was holding Zander's hand as Zander pointed to Hailey, "Ask her." He told Milly who's was yawning. Sean didn't look too awake either. Hailey ran over to him and Jake followed her. "Hailey. Why did you make us wake up so early!" Sean asked her, and soon stared at Jake. He didn't greet him, neither did Milly nor Luke. "Jake is rejoining the club for the contest-" Hailey began before Jake interrupted her, "I'm staying even after the competition. You guys are better then those buffoons" he said, looking down at the ground. Milly blinked, "Well, that's not bad news. But you didn't have to wake us up to tell us." she sighed. Sean smiled. Luke saw something from behind Hailey and Jake. "Oh Sean, it's Daisy." he smiled, slightly teasing him. Sean blushed and looked at Daisy who came up to them at once. "Good morning! You've rejoined the club right, Jake?" She asked, Jake nodded. Daisy diverted her attention to Sean. "Sean, could you, urm, come with me for a second so we can't talk? In private?" She asked him, turning slightly red. Milly stared at Sean as he left, "I won't be surprised if he comes back with a girlfriend." she laughed then she looked at Jake. "Wait, Jake has a crush on Daisy right?" she realised. Jake laughed quietly, "I've moved on from Daisy, I like someone else." he reassured her. He knew what she was going to say, "I am not telling you who so don't even think about it." he laughed. Hailey jerked Jake and Milly and pointed to Zander and Luke, who were kissing. "Get a room!" Milly teased. Zander pulled Luke away and gave Milly a shove, blushing. All of them, except for Zander starting laughing. Sean and Daisy came back, holding hands. "Let me guess, your-" Milly began before Sean, who was expecting her to say that, interrupted her "We are dating, yes." he sighed, chuckling. Daisy smiled. "The moment is ruined." said Milly as Henry, Liam and Drew walked up to them. "What are you doing with these freaks, Jake?" Drew questioned him. Liam and Henry were quiet and didn't laugh at Drew's comment. Daisy eyed Drew, angrily unlike her. She opened her mouth to speak but Jake began first. "Don't call them that. I don't care anymore, just leave me alone." He said, in a serious tone. Drew scoffed, surprised. "Fine, when you come crawling back to us, we won't take pity on you, music freak." Drew hit back. Jake sighed, "How low is your IQ? You can't come up with a better insult then music freak." Drew's eyes narrowed but he saw Mrs Jones coming up to open the school so he left without a word. Liam and Henry stayed back, they went to open their mouths but looked down and followed Drew.

"Wow, now that you say that Jake, their IQ is low if that's all the can come up with." Milly laughed.

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