Trouble and Confusion

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Orlando's P.O.V

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep with Mo in my arms until I was rudely awaken. "Mo,what the hell is this?" I heard her brother Darren growl. "Huh,what?" Mo whispered from her sleep. "Mo,wake the fuck up,what the hell were y'all doing?" I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't too happy.

"Darren,man it's not what it looks like." I slowly sat up,my hands raised in defense. "Then what is it man?" He huffed. "We were just sleeping okay,it's nothing like that." Mo grumbled,throwing the pillow at her brother's head. That only made the situation worse,he grabbed her by the arms,shaking her awake.

"Darren,what the hell is your problem?" She hissed,trying to loosen his grip on her arms. "Please tell me you didn't do what i think you did?" He pleaded. "Darren,what are you talking about, doing what?" She raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Please Mo,not your purity sis?" He looked like he was on the brink of crying.

"Darren,bro,I already told you,it wasn't like that." I sighed. "Man,don't fucking lie to me,this is my sister's purity that we are talking about?" He still hadn't let her go. "Darren what the fuck are you going on about,my 'purity'?" He gave her a questioning look and then it dawned on her.

"OH MY GOD,Darren no. Ewe,we didn't do the nasty tango if that's what you're thinking?" He had finally let go of her and she placed her hand to her forehead. "Darren,that is none of your concern anyway." She let out a frustrated sigh. "What do you mean that is none of my concern,you're my sister,so it is my concern?" He had this weird look on his face.

"Look Darren, I know I'm your little sister but you have to remember that I'm 16,I'm not a baby anymore. For fuck sake Darren,I have boobs." She said while gripping her chest. "For one that was gross,two I'm just looking out for you." He let out a huge sigh.

"Darren I'm 16,stop. What is there to look out for ,are you saying that you don't trust Orlando?" Damn,why did she have to turn it around on me? "It's not that-"Then what is it Darren?" She squinted her eyes at him. Why haven't I said anything,not my fight I guess?

"Okay,maybe I don't trust him,I don't trust any guy with you Mo. I have seen how all the guys have treated you and let's just sure know how to pick them. I just don't want you to get hurt again and when I thought you gave it up to him,I lost it." He sighed again when he was finished.

"Look,I understand where you are coming from big brother but you can't tell me anything about sex. Knowing the fact that you have a baby girl and another on the way,you're only 19 too. you haven't even got the chance to live yet? Now am I wrong or am I right?" She knew that she had him.

"Mo I-"Darren,please just leave before you dig yourself a bigger hole." She sighed. "Mo I- "DARREN I SAID TO LEAVE!" Wow,that escalated quickly. With a sigh,he left. slamming the door behind him. I was cautious before I said anything,I was afraid she would blow up on me too.

"Are you okay?" I said slowly. "Yeah." She rubbed her forehead slowly. "Tell me what's on your mind baby." I rubbed her back with each word. " Why does it matter if I'm being plugged by you or not?" She layed her head on my shoulder. " He cares about you,that's all. He just wants to make sure that you're making the right decision." I assured her.


Moriah's P.O.V

I know Orlando was only trying to calm me down and make me feel better. But there was one thing that stuck to my mind : " How can you be so calm about this,my brother basically doesn't trust you with me?" How can he be calm about it? " I'm not happy with that but I'm pretty sure that I will get a talk about it later on." He rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip.

That's when my mom burst through my room. "What is going on in here?" She said with a stern face. "As I told Darren before, nothing is going on." I can't take all of this in one day. "Excuse me,you will not use that tone with me. You better tone it down if you wan thim to stick around." She pointed to Orlando when she said it.

"Mom,there is nothing going on, we weren't doing anything but sleeping until Darren came in here." I rubbed my temples,the throbbing in my head was getting worse. "That isn't what your brother said?" "What did he say about us?" My head shot up and I glared at her. "He said that you and Mr. Orlando over here were about to have sex." She crossed her arms over her chest.

I got up, shoving her out of my way. "How can you just lie on me like that?" I barged into his room, I was furious but I wasn't going to yell. " I didn't lie,I made a statement,now get the fuck out of my room." He gave me a dirty look. " You did lie,because you knew me and Orlando weren't doing anything but sleeping. You were only mad because I yelled at you." I tapped my foot, hoping it would release the urge to punch him.

" Man,I'm not mad because you yelled at me so please get out." He continued to give me a dirty look. " Look,it's okay that you can't control me,you're my brother not my fucking father. You can't tell me what to do when it comes to sex remember,you have kids not me,YOU." Without further word I left. He pushed me while I was walking away,who the fuck does that.

After I collected myself off of the floor, as he walked away I kicked him the nuts. Before he could get to me,I ran into my room and locked the door. "MO OPEN THIS MOTHERFUCKING DOOR!" He banged on my door repeatedly. Until my mom opened it, mouth open. " Oh,hey mama,how was your day at work?" Good boy Darren was back,he has never had an outburst like that in front of our mama.

"Come with me and Mo,I will have a talk with you when I come back. Mr. Orlando,I advise you to get your stuff and go?" She left without further word. "Orlando,please don't go." I whispered, I couldn't meet his gaze. "I have to,your mom is on full blown pissed at me for something that I didn't even do." He started to put his shoes and socks on.

" Baby please?" I could feel the tears in my eyes. " Let me know when your mom isn't mad anymore." Then he left. He actually left? What the fuck,another gone because of my fucked up family. I just sat there,with my mouth wide open.

* Hours Later *

Hours have passed and Orlando still hasn't called or text me,ugh fuck my life. I was laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling, could my day get any worse. "Mo?" I heard a knock on my door but I didn't respond. "Moriah?" I still didn't answer. "Moriah,I'm sorry." I turned away from my mom. "Look baby,you can't stay mad at me forever?"

"Oh honey,you could always find another guy,you're a pretty girl." She insisted,that's when i snapped. "I don't want anyone else mama,I want him. he makes me feel worth it,like I should exist but no,you and Darren had to fuck it up like you guys always do." I hissed,I was still facing away from her,tears started to flow from my eyes.

" Watch your mouth young lady,I am still the parent here." "Yeah-yeah,save that bullshit for someone else." I hissed. " Until you learn how to speak to me,you are officially on punishment and you will not be able to see Orlando until you are off of punishment." She left after that but I could hear her mumbling profanities under her breath.

It doesn't even matter anymore,I will see him at school anyway and get to the bottom of this.

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