Chapter 1: Safe

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Kirishima POV:

My feet hurt as I run, darting through the forest at record speed. I can hear the slapping of bare feet behind me but I have no time to turn around or the cat to my mouse will get their opening. Their footsteps slow and seem to get farther away. Thank goodness, I think I lost 'em...


The bark of the tree beside me splinters as a bullet lodges itself into the sturdy wood. I stumble and slide to the ground as another gunshot fills the air, the bullet grazes my thigh leaving a pretty hearty gash. My hands grip at the ground to somewhat pull myself behind a tree, hopefully I can stay hidden for enough time to wrap up my leg. I don't have a gun to protect myself... Of course Bakugou had to launch solo so I have no idea where he is, and there is no way Monoma is gonna help me. Shitty team to end up with for the first game of the season...

Just as I pull out a bandana from my pocket to tie up my leg, the footsteps of my opponent approach the tree. My hands shake as I try and patch up a little faster, I might be able to make it out of here...

"Well well, where's your team?"

None other than Dabi peeks around the tree, an Alternator in hand. He steps out and smashes a foot into my chest, he looks around and with no sign of a team he relaxes. The alternator presses against my forehead.

"Hmmm... Be honored, your death will make me the official kill leader."

His hand wraps around my neck, a scalding sensation causes me to yelp in pain. Of course I had to be caught by the one person I didn't wanna get caught by. I've only died at his hands twice and those were probably some of the worst deaths I've had to experience. A sigh escapes my lips and I close my eyes as I accept my fate. Why did my team have to split up? If I had someone with me this wouldn't have happened... If only Ba-


A weight drops on me as the familiar ding that another competitor died. I wince and open my eyes to find Dabi slumped against me, his blood splattered all over my chest. My hands make quick work of the body as I frisk him for some sort of weapon or armor. I'm able to shakily grab the alternator that was pressed to my head only moments ago and quickly whip it up at the person who had just saved me. That's when I finally see my savior.

"Ya know it's rude to point a gun at your hero Bastard."

"Oh shit, sorry... Thanks for the help man."

I drop my gun as Bakugou approaches and offers a hand to me. I take it and try to stand only to stumble and fall to the ground again. That wound is worse than I thought, though the burn on my neck probably isn't helping either... Blood leaks through the cloth i had wrapped around my leg and seeps into my pants.

"Sit down again. Heal up. I'll keep an eye out for his teammates."

Bakugou mumbles as he looks around for Toga or Shigaraki, who were most likely Dabi's team for this round. My fingers pick at the cloth as I struggle to get the knot undone. Damn this is pathetic... Even after all these years in the games I still get shaky. What is with me... I know the games aren't really my cup of tea but for the amount of time that I've been doing this I should be a little desensitized, be a man like Bakugou. He's always so strong in the games... He's a continuous winner in the games. A real man. No wonder why he's got so many fans.

"Hey Shitty hair, what's the hold up?!"

Bakugou meets my eyes before his sights travels down to my nearly untouched dressings that compliment my shaking hands that where trying to undo them.
He kneels down in front of me and gives me his sniper.

"Keep watch."


"Shut up and keep watch."

His finger gingerly pull at the cloth and get it undone. He quickly replaces it with some fresh dressings and ointment. He moves to my neck and gently places his hands on it to assess the damage done. He pulls out a small container of burn cream from his pack. Must be an item from a sponsor... there's not usually anything for burns in the med kits.

One hand touches my jaw before tilting my head up so he could get the ointment on. It stung but felt good at the same time, kinda like a hot and cold feeling. Bakugou's hands were soft yet callused, the sensation sent chills down my spine. Is that bad..?

"There. Now don't get hurt again Bastard."

Red meets red as we lock eyes. His hand never left my face as we stared. I can't tell how long we sat like that but for a fleeting moment it almost felt like safety. This is why I like being on a team with Bakugou... The games just disappear when I'm with him, I'm not scared when I'm at his side.
His hands trail down my neck to my collar as I lean in slightly.


A bullet goes right behind my head, slightly brushing against my hair. Both our heads whip to the source to find Toga not too far from us, her eye aimed down the sight of her sniper. Her giggle voice echoes through the forest around us.

"Aw darn! I missed."

Bakugou pulls me up and grabs his gun, he takes a shot quickly to distract her at least a little. I grab my stolen alternator and take aim. Bakugou flashes me a smirk as he takes another shot at her before bolting towards her. Almost on instinct I follow.

Now I can actually enjoy the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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