You'll never feel like you're alone

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This is my favourite kind of day. Spending every hour I possibly can with Louis. It's late afternoon and the people around us are starting to head home. Remaining in the park with us are dog walkers, teenagers and there's an exercise club. There's a homeless man on a bench nearby but he's always here. Always. Sometimes I want to go up to him to make sure he's okay but he always asleep.

I look up to the sky, it's a cloudless kind of day. Louis hates that. No clouds to point at. He loves things like that, stargazing was another of his favourites.

Wherever we were and if it was dark I could always catch him staring at the blanket of stars above. He would always tell me if he sees familiar looking ones, but usually he would just gaze at them.

"One of my favourite nights was when we went stargazing at your house.."

"I wanna go stargazing." Louis states as we watch Mamma Mia: here we go again for like the one hundredth time now.

"It's not night time." I mumble, still staring at the screen. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, I know exactly what kind of expression is resting on his face too.

"Really? Even Einstein couldn't figure that one out," He tuts, "I meant later."

I turn to look at him, he's already looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"What!? You didn't exactly make it clear you meant later."

"It was obvious love. So can we or not?" He sits up straight and tucks a curl behind my ear. He was biting his lip in anticipation, looking like a child waiting to be told they're going to Disneyland. I smile at him, clasping his hand in mine.

"Of course we can." He squeals and jumps into my lap, holding my face.

"Okay, we'll go on the roof just before sunset so we can watch it and then look at the stars." He says, very matter a factly. I nod and kiss him, he kisses back immediately and tugs at my hair, I hold his thighs and pull him closer.


It's 7 o'clock and the sun will be setting in ten minutes. Louis is excitedly running around his house grabbing blankets and snacks to take up on the roof.

"Right I have Haribos, popcorn, crisps and loads of blankets." He cheers, he's changed into a large hoodie (mine) and some grey jogging bottoms. He goes to the hallway and gets the stepladder, he pulls the attic door open and climbs in. I pass him the blankets and snacks and then climb up myself.

"Is it entirely safe?"

"Stop worrying babe." I nod and he opens the window and climbs on to the roof, I pass him a blanket and he settles it on the tiles. We do this passing routine until all the blankets are outside and then do the same with the snacks. I then climb out and see him resting on his elbows lying on a blanket, "It's beautiful out here."

"It is." I agree, lying next to him, he shuffles closer and rests his head on my shoulder. The sun begins to drop down into the horizon, deep colours of orange spreading across the sky. It's absolutely stunning. I look to see Louis and this view is even more beautiful. His face is glowing from the sun, his eyes are bright, his nose is scrunched up and he's smiling. He looks so beautiful that I take a picture of him and he snaps his head when he sees.

"What're you doing?"

"Taking a photo of you?"


"Because you're beautiful." He blushes and smirks, he leans forward and kisses my nose gently.

"As are you my love." He moves his lips to meet mine and kisses me repeatedly. I hold his waist with one hand and with the other I brush through his hair. He's got his hands on my chest, his fingers stroking my clothed torso.

I don't know how long we made out for but it was enough time to let the sky get dark. Stars have littered the sky and the moon is shining brightly in the centre. Louis lies back and stares at all the stars.

"Do you think about the future Haz?"

"Depends. What bit of the future?"

"I do. I imagine one day, me and you and will be standing at an alter in front of all our friends and families. Zayn, Liam and Niall will be best men together. We'll have it in summer in a lovely outdoorsy place. There will be white flowers, roses. We'll already have a little girl, she'll be a flower girl. She'll walk down the aisle first and have rose petals that she she throws. She's still learning to walk so one of our friends walks her down, holding one of her hands so she can still throw petals. She sits down on the floor getting tired and everyone laughs with her. She gets the basket of petals and pours it over over chocolate brown curls. She's sitting and then sees me, suddenly everyone gasps because she stands up and toddles towards me, taking her first steps ever," I smile down at him, his face is so genuine as he watches the stars but still talks about our future, "I pick her up and go 'Daddy's coming down the aisle now' and point to where you are at the end, you start walking with your mum's arm linked around yours," He pauses for a moment, taking my hand in his, "Then you join me and Anne takes our little princess so we can get married. We each say our vows, competing to see who cried first. You do."

"Because you're so macho?" I chuckle, dancing my fingertips across his arms.

"Yep!" He states, "Anyways, we say our vows and then I grab your face and kiss you a lot. And then you whisper to me that everyone is still here and I pull away leaving a kiss on your nose. Then we spend the night- well I'm sure you can guess. And then we go to a two week trip round Europe. Paris first, then Rome." I lean down and press a kiss to his lips.

"That's a plan then." He nods, I pull him closer so we're laying next to each other.

He points to a bright star, "That one."


"That one. That's my star."

"I think I'll name it.. Boobear." I mutter, kissing his cheek. I point to another equally bright star but they're clearly different, "That one."

"I think I'll name it, Hazza." He smirks and nestles into me, "And when you're lost, these stars will be your light. You'll never feel like you're alone, these stars will make you feel like your home."

Every night I still look out my window and look for Hazza and Boobear. I always spot them, I always know I'm home.

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