Bryan x Jon

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Requested by one of ma bestie here abearfoo1233

Jon pov:

I was working in the office doing the rest of Bryan's paperwork, when Molten came in screaming "Portal !Bryan! Fire!" He just kept panicking. I was unable to make out what he was saying. "Molten calm down and say it slowly." I say trying to calm him down. "*Sigh* Bryan was running into the portal room messing with it. When a little fire started. Only me and rockstar Freddy noticed so we tried telling Bryan to move away. He said " Your not the boss of me" and " leave me alone!" I left as soon as possible to get you since he'll listen to you." He just left them there with a portal on fire!?!?! Not to mention Bryan is close to the fire!?!? He's human for heavens sake!?!?! "What!?!? Take me now!?!?" I yelled in annoyance and frustration. "Fine!"

•~ Time Skip ~•

Still Jon's pov:

Me and Molten made it to the portal room to see all the animatronics freaking out? Why were they freaking out and where was Bryan!?!? "Where's Bryan!?!?!" Me and Molten said together. "H-He's in there!?!?!" Nedd Bear said. "Well is he okay!?!?" I yell completely worried for my friend well crush. Without thinking I start running into the fire. "Jon??!?!? What the hell!?!!? I heard Rockstar Freddy yell. "To help Bryan!!!!" I yell back. I run into the portal room to see Bryan underneath some Woden boards from the roof. "Bryan!?!!?" I yell in hope of him being conscious. (Hope that's right) I run over to him noticing Molten using his wires to lift the boards up from on top of Bryan. "Cmon bud let's get you out of here.

•~ Time Skip ~•

It's been a few days since we got Bryan out from the fire. He still hasn't woken up yet but I have hope!

Bryan pov:

I woken up to see black blobs surrounded around me. I couldn't tell who it was but the voices sounded familiar. It took a few minutes to get adjusted to the noises and lights surrounding me. The first thing I noticed when everything was clear was a very worried Jon. "J-J-Jon?" I tried saying. My throat was still hoarse from not talking for a few days. "Don't try and talk buddy, you've been out for a few days." He said back, worried ness could be heard in his voice. How long was I out for though? "If your wondering how long you where out, you where out for a week." Jon said. A WEEK!?!? I could have missed so much work??!?!!

Jon pov:

I just told Bryan how long he was out, he looked so panicked and upset. "What's up buddy? You look down." I said trying to comfort him. "H-How much work have I missed?" He said almost crying. Why did it matter? He never liked doing it in the first place. That's why I love him, he doesn't follow or listen to anyone, which I will admit is kinda annoying but lovable, he's really adorable, not to mention how kind he is! Heck! How could Afton hate him!?!? He's perfect! "Not much." I say jumping onto the hospital(?) bed inside of the infirmary. "O-oh ok thanks Jon!" He said a smile plastered onto his face. I can't wait any longer. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do Bryan." I say leaning in closer to him. "W-What?" He says, our faces only a few inches away. I close the space between up by kissing him on the lips. "Hmph!" I heard him attempt to mumble something. After a few minutes we part for air. "I love you Bryan." I say hugging him. "I love you too Jon!" He said back, leaning on my shoulder. We stayed like that for about 5 minutes. I looked up to see him asleep on my shoulder.

Lefty pov:

Me and baby were walking to the infirmary to see Bryan again when we heard talking inside his room. Being the curious beings we were we decided to listen, inside we heard Jon and Bryan making out. I could tell baby was confused at what was going on inside the room. "Let's just wait a minute ok?" I whisper to her, she nodded very fast eager to see what was happening inside the room. We waited for about 5 minutes for them to stop. We slowly opened the door to see Bryan on Jon's shoulder and Jon cuddling Bryan in his arms. "So adding this to the ship book!!!" I whisper to baby who's fangirling.

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