Chapter 22: Um

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Y/n's pov

After you stressed in Draco's room you left and got back to the hufflepuff common room.

"Hey are you okay? Your face is red" Cedric said

He was still on the couch.

"Oh yeah it's nothing don't worry about it" You said as you tried to rush past him.

"Woah slow down. Tell me." He said

"I'm just stressed about exams that's all" you say

He looks at you suspiciously "Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything" He said

Oh yeah Cedric great idea! Let me tell you about how Draco's hands were all over me on Christmas break and how he just kissed me when yesterday I went on a date with you! Ugh

"Yeah now let me go to bed I'm tired"  You say

You head up to your dorm and plop on the bed. The same fight went on in your head that's been going on for weeks. Cedric or Draco. This sounded cheesy but you heard Hermione talk about a pro and con list once. Apparently it's a thing muggles do. It couldn't hurt right? You pulled out a piece of parchment and a pen.

Draco Malfoy
He's hot
He is really fun
Never boring
I feel sparks with him
My friends would dissown me
I would break Cedric's heart
Pansy would be out to get me

Cedric Diggory
Good kisser
Warm and snuggly
Loves me
Husband material
Knows me really well
We would be a hufflepuff power couple
Would break Draco's heart
Draco would hate me
It's predictable

Predictable really? And why are you writing will break so and so's heart. No shit your in a love triangle y/n! Someone's gonna get hurt.

Welp that didn't help at all.

You fell asleep. You woke up to Cedric shaking you. Luckily since people are nosy you put your pro's and con's list away last night.

"Merlin Cedric what could you want this early!" You said

"Please tell me where you were last night. Don't lie." He said

Uh oh

"What is this about?" You say

"Muggles saw two wizards on a tower yesterday and they graffitied it with hufflepuff and slytherin paintings! Now tell me where you were!" He said

"Jeez Ced come on I would never do that." You say

"Pansy said she saw you and Draco Malfoy together last night. Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Everyone thinks it's you too." He said

'shit shit shit! I will kill that pug face bitch! Dammit!'

"She's just out to get me! I swear! It wasn't me!" You say

"Okay okay. Let's go get breakfast. Hopefully this will be over soon" You say

You guys walk down to the great hall. Everyone stares at you. You look over to Draco. He looks concerned. He looks up and sees you and gets up. He pulls you aside. Cedric side eyes him.

"Draco what the hell are we gonna do!" You say

"It'll all be fine I promise. My dad knows so this should blow over but are you gonna let Cedric and Pansy get in the middle of out relationship?" He said

'shit what the hell'

"How do you-  Draco! You snooped through your room?" You say

"Well I wanted to talk to you but you were asleep." He said looking away

"Dracoo! Dammit" you said

"Look I'm sorry" He said grabbing both your hands "but please. Don't break my heart." He said

"Draco." You say

You too just look at each other. You make an uncomfortable smile. You walked away

"The hell did Malfoy want?" Cedric said

"He just wanted to know if I had a clue what was going on and what Pansy said" you say

"Oh" he said

He snaked his arm around your waist and you put your head on his shoulder. You guys ate breakfast like that. When you guys were finished you went up to throw your trash out. Cedric tried to kiss you goodbye.

"Hey Diggory!" Draco said

'damn that selfish git. What is his loud mouth going to say this time"

"What do you want Malfoy" He said

"Get off of her. She's mine!" He said

"What?" He said

"Y/n! She's mine! Where do you think she was last night? She fell for me." He said

'What the actual merlin-'

"Y/n is that true? Malfoy?" He said

"Need more proof? Go in her room she's got a list!" Draco said

"Cedric I can explain" you say

"No. Leave me alone. I need space." He said

'no no no! This cannot be happening.' you thought

"Cedric!" You say. Tears are filling up your eyes. You can feel your stomach drop. Your face begins to burn.

"My office. Now!" Dumbledore said.

unconditional love <3 -cedric, draco, harry x y/n- alternate endingsWhere stories live. Discover now