Chasing Shadows

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Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Once they get all their instruments packed away, and off stage Charlie nervously bites her lip. Her eyes snap up to Asher. "Think it's safe to go out the back? Skulls seemed a little riled up when we left the stage."

"No, I doubt it." Taking his phone from his pocket Asher sends a few quick texts. "I'll have a few look into it, but it will be better to mingle or go out the front."

"We'll mingle for a bit." Jersey sets his last cased drum down. "Then if we need to we'll ask security to walk us to our car."

Charlie nods and glances around. She really isn't in the party mood. She isn't in the mood for anything really. Though being around Asher helps with the nightmares, the dreams of her sister are back in full force. Nights have become daunting, and she's in a perpetual state of exhaustion.

"We can mingle, if you want."

Partying would be better than going home and sleeping.

"If you like, but it's not really mingling and working anymore," Asher's expression darkens, hating how all these new hopefuls are ruining his ability to blend in. "We're both going to want these." His hand briefly disappears and reappears with two joints they're technically not supposed to smoke inside.

"Hell yes," she breathes out, taking it from him and digging in his front pocket where he keeps his lighter. She quickly lights hers and takes a long drag in. The pressure builds in her lungs as she holds it in before she lets out the dragon cloud. The calming feeling of weightlessness envelopes her, as she tilts her head back.

"Thank you." Charlie holds Asher's lighter up to him, before taking another long drag.

Asher lights his own and tilts his head back as he holds his own breath. The pressure within his lungs builds until finally he exhales a cloud of smoke. "You're welcome, and I should warn you." He nods towards the main area. "There are hopefuls out there who will bombard us."

Her eyes shift to him, as her brows pull together in a scowl. "What the hell for?"

"For the same reason we're worried about the Twisted Skulls and Fallen, little fox." Asher takes another drag. "They're hoping to become Wildcards and just like the gangs, have no idea where else to find us."

"Fun." She rolls her eyes. "I don't know about taking strangers in. All our people so far are people we know and trust already. Hell, I like Wheels, and I still wouldn't show him where the lair is."

"I have no intention of showing them the lair, ever. Not unless they're fully vetted and highly skilled. I have no desire for it to be compromised because of some fool. That said, we do need more people, Charlotte."

"So what? We just take anyone? How are we even going to tell if they are useful?" She takes a long drag in, as the band mates step away to leave this royal discussion private.

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