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Vincent still couldn't think straight(lol).  It was a friday and through all his classes all he could think about was what John said. He smiled as he thought of all the things they could do together. the bell rang and he practically sprung out of his chair. He looked around the hallway. John shouldn't be hard to spot considering he's tall, broad, and heavyset. It's pretty easy to tell where e is in a crowd of skinny short people. Gogh looked around until he saw that glimpse of red. He ran forward and stood next to jfk and walked with him. After a few minutes jfk finally noticed and looked at him . "Oh er uh hey it's you. Sunflower dude," he said smiling and pointing down at Vincent. "Well I guess I did tell you we could hang out and I'm a man of my er uh word. Come on uh little man!" John said grabbing Gogh's arm tightly and practically dragging him through the hallway. Once they got outside, Jfk finally loosened his grip on Gogh's arm. "Get in lil man," he said gesturing towards his car. Vincent reluctantly opened the door and sat down. "So uh what do you wanna do? We could er uh go to the movies. We can do er uh anything you want to!" John said enthusiastically. Vincent tapped his foot and thought for a minute. He stared at the car floor and fiddled with his sketchbook. "Well we could... Just hang out. At your house," he said softly. Jfk nodded and gave Vincent a small smile. Vincent smiled back and continued to fiddle with his sketchbook. After a few minutes John pulled up to a nice house and told Vincent to get out. "So er uh we're here," he said almost nervously. Vincent got out of the car and started walking with John to the entrance.

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