Chapter 22

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Music was blasting throughout the house as we all started random conversations. "I help Upgrade Kiibo! If you'd like you can come check out his system!", Miu grinned to Kazuichi who was inspecting Kiibo in awe. "Gonta likes bugs.", Gonta said to Gundahm who held a spider. "Y-you watch anime?!", Ryota asked Tsumugi in awe. Tsumugi started listing down animes. "An Akido master? That sounds wonderful.", Peko said to Tenko, who was striking poses. Everyone seemed to have lots of fun... "hey hey hey! Truth or dare anyone?", Ibuki asked. "Hell yeah!", I said. We all sat in a big circle. "Oh hey boss.", Kou waved. I stood up and ran to him. I tripped on my foot and face planted on the ground. "Kokichi!", Shuichi said as he hurried over to my side. "It's okay! I'm fine!", I said as I rubbed my forehead. I stood up again "Get the whole squad here!", I said to Kou. Kou nodded and ran back up stairs tripping on the stairs. "Hold on a sec guys.", I said turning back to the group. Kou came back and they all raced downstairs. "I'm gonna beat you!", Koko said. In the end they all tripped except Mei who walked instead of running. "Guys! Meet D.I.C.E! They're my Family and organization who terrorize the city!", I grinned. Shuichi gave me a 'seriously' look. "Just kidding! It was a lie! We commit harmless laughable pranks around the city!", I giggled. "Are they all clumsy like you?", Hiyoko asked. "Oh hush! Of course they are! Except Mei! She's the one with sanity!", I explained. "Hi I'm Koko", Koko waved. "I'm kou!", Kou said. "Nozumo.", she waved. "Hello I am Mei...The one with sanity.", Mei bowed. "Hiya! I'm Rin!", he said with a smug smile. "I'm Chisa!", She waved happily. "Hitori", Hitori waved. "And I'm Koi.", Koi said. "This one right here! Is our boss! Or our brother! He's the future president of Russia and our cunning smartass leader!", Koko said giving me a playful punch. "Hell yeah I am!", I grinned. "Nice to meet you guys!", Nagito waved. "Well boss! We're going our to celebrate Nozumo beating a person on a very important chess Match she won!", Rin grinned. "Preparing to challenge me, aren't you?", I smirked. "And I'll beat you!", Nozumo said sticking her tongue out. "Well have fun! Stay safe and don't come drunk!", I said. Then they left. "My children are all grown up..!", I sniffed. "You treat them like family a lot.". Mahiru pointed out. "Of course I do!  We're from the same orphanage and we all grew up together! I love them A lot, like how I love Shumai so much! They're my beautiful family!", I grinned. "Isn't Shumai a sushi?", TeruTeru asked. "SUSHI?!", Akane Bolted up. "Yes! And I love calling Shuichi that!", I smiled happily. "So that's a no to the sushi?", Akane asked sadly. "Yeah..but I'll get some snacks", I said. "It's okay. I'll go get them.", Kirumi said. "Thanks mom!", I grinned. She nodded and walked to the kitchen. "When did you guys get together and how?", Sonia asked. "Well we were in a shed with some gummy bears. I told him and he dropped the gummy bears then they opened the shed and we went to go vandalize Walmart only to get banned.", I Explained. Sonia blinked "Well isn't that Romantic.", Akane laughed. "What about Hajime and Nagito. How did they get together?", Miu asked. "Well Nagito and his luck almost got him killed by some truck. Then he bumped into Sayaka and they talked about music and how Chucky's overrated. Then it started pouring, he got a bad grade on A science test, then when he thought his luck could get worse Hajime bumped into him. Some like months later the exact same cycle repeated except at the end Hajime confessed.", Chiaki explained. "That's...Really something.", Kaede huffed. "That's really cute in my opinion.", Tsumugi shrugged. "You bumped into Sayaka?", Shuichi asked. "Yeah.", Nagito laughed casually. "She hates the Chucky movies...and every horror movie.", Shuichi mumbled. "How do you know that.", Mahiru asked. "She's my Sister. Please don't say anything to anyone.", he said. "That's so cool!", Ibuki squealed. "I didn't know that Sayaka had a brother.", TeruTeru muttered. "Step siblings but she keeps her private life private.", Shuichi said. "That makes sense.", he shrugged. "Back to the truth or dare.", Sonia said. She looked around and laid her eyes on Maki. "Maki! Truth or dare?", She asked. "Truth.", Maki said. "If you could kill anyone in this world...who would it be And why?",Sonia asked. "Pedophiles, Homophobics, and racist people. The would has too much negativity and it would be an honor to get Rid if it.", Maki shrugged. "Also Thete was this girl I took care of once...she suffered from pedophilia..she had very soft pink hair and she also had pink eyes. Die to that she has a trigger word and it's really upsetting to see her like that.", Maki muttered. "I agree!", Sonia said clasping her hands together in an Angie style. Maki looked around "Peko...Truth or dare?", She asked. "Truth.", Peko said. "What are you exactly to Fuyuhiko?", Maki Asked. Fuyuhiko perked up. "I am more like an older sister and his wingwoman.", Peko nodded thoughtfully. Fuyuhiko punched peko's arm playfully. "...Miss Himiko...Truth or dare?", Peko asked. "Dare please.", She yawned. "I dare you to...Forgive me I can't think of any good dares, so just lick the floor or something...", Peko said averting here eyes. "Oh. Okay.", Himiko shrugged. She kneeled down and licked the floor. "Ew. Can I go rinse my mouth?", she asked. "Yeah sure.", I said. She sprinted to the bathroom. "I'll chose a person.", I shrugged. "Hm......Mikan.", I said. Mikan flinched "Y-Yes?", she asked timidly. "Truth or Dare?", I asked. "T-Truth!", she said. "Aw man, you're no fun.", I pouted. She immediately started crying "I-IM S-SO S-SORRY! F-FORGIVE M-M-ME!", she cried out. "Woah woah! It's fine!", I said quickly. "Uhm, Who do you like better? Chiaki or Ibuki?", I asked. She stopped crying and started thinking. Chiaki and Ibuki frowned. "A-Ah, well I like them b-both equally. T-T-They're b-both very kind to me and I love them for t-that. So-So I can't choose a favorite o-one. I-Ibuki is v-very pr-pretty and so is Chiaki..", she mumbled softly and blushed after that. "Woah you must be very in love.", I said. She nodded quickly. "Mikannnn! Y-You're so sweet!", Ibuki cried out and hugged her. "Y-Yeah...That was very thoughtful of you.", Chiaki blushed and hugged her too. Mikan blushed so hard and stared to tear up. "T-Thank Y-You!", she sobbed. "Why are they crying...?", Himiko asked as she walked back in. "Love declarations, Y'know.", Akane shrugged. "Oh. Okay.", she said and sat in between Angie and Tenko. "Next.", I said. "U-Uh....Shuichi.", Mikan said and wiped her tears away. "I'll go with truth please.", he smiled. "Why...Uhm..why do you love Kokichi so much....IF THATS OKAY TO ASK!", Mikan yelped. "...No it's okay.", he said. "I love him because he's...a special person to me. His smile lights up the world..his kindness is sweet like honey...his voice is like an angels and...he brings happiness to all of our classmates and me. He cares about everyone so dearly and I love Him for that....", he said thoughtfully. Then he froze and turned red. "Ah! Sorry about that! It sounded so cheesy and kinda embarrassing!", he laughed nervously. I stayed quiet and smiled a bit. "You're was cheesy...but thank you Shuichi.", I blushed. "Man...You guys make me feel so single!", Rantaro whined. We all glanced to Korekiyo and laughed bitterly. "Right.", I said. "Korekiyo. Truth or dare.", Shuichi asked. "I...Think I'll go with dare.", he said. "Kiss Rantaro.", Shuichi said calmly. "Why would I do that?", Korekiyo asked. "Damn It. Listen here you tall ass man. You love him and he loves you. It's infuriating seeing you two act oblivious and tiring. So you two either date or I'll leave you both tied up in a ware house for the rats.", Shuichi said smiling coldly. "Nice heather reference.", Ibuki Chuckled. "Thank you, Ibuki.", Shuichi said. "Shuichi snapped....", Kaede muttered. "What was that Kaede? I didn't  seem to catch that.", He said turning to Kaede with a small smile and a scary glare. "Ahm! Never mind!", she grinned nervously. "Thought so.", he said. "Now kiss him, Korekiyo.", he said. Rantaro sighed and stood up. "If you're not going to do it, I'll do it.", he said. Rantaro pulled down his mask and placed his lips on him carefully. "Love.", I smirked. "Love indeed.", Hiyoko grinned. We both had a smug look in our face. "Yo go bitch.", I cheered. "Don't call anyone a bitch.", Kirumi glared at me. "Sorry Mom!", I laughed. Rantaro pulled away and sat back down leaving Korekiyo confused till it hit him. He blinked and sat back down. "Ah, Uh...Fuyuhiko.", Korekiyo said. "I'll go with dare. Momma ain't raise no pussy.", He smirked. "I dare you to...recreate an embarrassing moment.", Korekiyo said. "....fine. Uhm, Nagito, Hajime, and Sonia. Remember THAT time. Pose like THAT time...please.", Fuyuhiko mumbled. It took Nagito a second to process it then he grinned. He stood behind Hajime and grabbed him by the waist. Sonia pretended to paint a canvas then Fuyuhiko pretended to open a door and walk in. "Paint us like one of the French girls, Sonia!", Hajime said. "Damn right.", Sonia grinned. "Are you guys recreating that scene from that one fiction movie...Titanic I presume...?", Fuyuhiko asked. Nagito let go of Hajime's waist and Hajime face planted on the floor but stood up. "Fiction?", Sonia asked. "Yeah, Y'know..where that big ship crashed into and iceberg and all that stuff happens...I remember reading it on a magic tree house book.", Fuyuhiko said thoughtfully. Nagito fell to the floor wheezing with tears streaming down his face. "Fuyuhiko...Titanic was a movie based on a real event..", Sonia said patting his back. Fuyuhiko furrowed his eyebrows "NO IT'S NOT! ITS FICTIONAL! I DEADASS READ IT ON A MAGIC TREE HOUSE BOOK AND MY TEACHER SAID THOSE WERE FICTIONAL!", Fuyuhiko protested. "The tree house was fictional.", Hajime laughed. Fuyuhiko turned red and sat back down. " thought that...Titanic was a fictional movie?", I asked him. "Don't blame me!", He yelled. Nagito was still laughing and clutching his stomach. "It- it's not funny!", Fuyuhiko hissed. Nagito fell silent then burst out laughing again. This time, Fuyuhiko started laughing as well. "Okay okay. Tenko, truth or dare?", He asked. Tenko looked at him for a split second with panic "Ahm...Truth.", She mumbled. "Why do you hate males so much? If that's okay to ask..", He said. Tenko froze "I'll skip.", She mumbled quietly. "Oh okay. Sorry if it triggered something.", Fuyuhiko apologized. Tenko nodded "I'll...Uhm....Akane.", She said. "Uh, Dare.", She grinned. "I dare you to...uh....I dare you to eat spicy chocolate.", Tenko said. "Where would I get spicy chocolate?", Akane asked. "I have some let me just...", Tenko said as she rummaged through her bag. She brought out a small candy bar with Red wrapping. Akane took the candy bar and opened it. "Alrighty.", She smiled nervously. She took a bite and began chewing. "It's not that spicy actually.", she said and covered her mouth as she spoke. Everyone was silent waiting for her to get to the spicy part. Then...all you could hear was...
SAWARASENAI KIMI WA SHOUJO NA NO? BOKU WA YARICHIN BICCHI NO OSU DA YO. All eyes immediately fell on Tsumugi. "I watch BL'S and all but that ain't my phone.", She scoffed. "....Sorry about that.", Ryota coughed nervously. "YOU WATCH YARICHIN BITCH CLUB?!", Tsumugi yelled. "...Yeah.....It's not my fault it's actually good and funny!", He protested. Imposter laughed lightly and cleared their throat. "You should answer the call, Ryota.", they said. Ryota nodded and turned to me "Mind if I go to your kitchen?", He asked. "No not at all. Go ahead.", I said. "Thanks.", He grinned. Ryota walked to the kitchen and I think he answered the call As soon as he got there. "It's not spicy.", Akane said. We all burst out laughing. These are great people.

Sorry for not posting earlier! I'm close to my school so I thought I'd finish this. I PROMISE TO POST ANOTHER TO MAKE UP FOR IT JWJSKQKS
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