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George and I went back up to Gryffindor Tower hand in hand after the last song ended and he walked me to the stairs that led to the girl's dorms once we reached the Common Room, but we stood to the side not to block the way. "Tonight went much better than I had expected it to," he said, "You had a good time, right?"
"I had a perfect time," I tell him, "It was everything I had hoped and more."
George smiled, looking proud, "This has been the best Christmas ever."
I nood agreeing with him, "It has, yes."
George cups my face with one of his large hands, and for the third time tonight, he kissed me. This kiss was longer than the other two we had shared tonight. It was more passionate, and almost hungry. Like he didn't want to stop. When he pulled back, I was nearly out of breath. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright darling?"
"Yeah," I say, nodding, "I'll see you tomorrow."
I headed up the stairs then, and when I reached the dorm, Hermione was already here, Parvati and Lavender were awake still as well, and Lavender said, "Hermione saw you and George kissing on the dancefloor, Savannah! We want to know everything!"
"I take it that everything went the way you wanted to when you told him you actually liked him," says Hermione, a big smile on her face.
"It went better," I say, as I begin to unzip my dress to change into my pajamas, "as soon as I told him that I felt the same way he did about me, he asked me to be his girlfriend."
They all gasped. I threw a nightgown on quickly and hung my dress up. "And you said yes, I assume, right?" Asked Lavender.
"I did," I say sitting on my four-poster bed. They all squealed this time. "And, um, I'm sorry that my brother wasn't a very good date, Parvati."
"Oh that's alright, I had a great time once I left him and Ron to be miserable by themselves." we all giggled at that, except for Hermione.


That next morning I changed and headed downstairs so quickly that I was sure my footsteps could be heard as I zoomed down the stairs to the Common Room. I looked around and I saw that Ron and Harry were up and they were sitting with Ginny, Fred, George and their friend Lee Jordan by the fireplace, drinking tea together.
I went over to them as once. George stood as I approached them, and he pulled me into a big hug and said, "Good morning, darling," and he placed a kiss onto my lips, which was met by a chorus of teasing, "Oooo" from our brothers and friends.
"How come I was the only one that didn't know that you liked George, Savannah?" Asked Ron, sounding bitter he was left out of the loop about this.
"Because you have the emotional range of a flobberworm, Ron," says Fred, as George sat me down next to his twin brother on the couch and began to make me a cup of tea. Fred leaned near my ear and said, "I told him you wouldn't say no if he asked you to the ball. I had an inkling that you were starting to catch feelings for him last year, when I saw you two cuddling on the floor on Halloween."
"That is when I started to like him," I admit to him, my cheeks feeling hot as I blushed.
George is on the other side of me now, handing me a small tea cup, as Fred says, "I'm glad you finally confessed your feelings for him, now George’s pining over you won’t be so annoying now that you're an actual thing."
Lee Jordan scoffs, "No, now we'll have to sit through him actually falling in love with her. That's going to be more annoying than anything."
"Ignore them, darling, they're just jealous," says George as he places an arm around my waist as we sit here on the couch, just sipping tea and having a conversation about our time at the Yule Ball with each other. Fred and Angelina had a great time and had a lot of fun together, and Ginny said that Neville was a great date when he wasn't stepping on her toes while they danced. The only ones that didn't have a good time were Harry and Ron.
Later that day, Harry took Hermione and I aside later to tell us that he and Ron saw Igor Karkaroff talking to Snape last night, and Igor said something about fleeing if things got too dangerous, and that something was bothering him on his arm. They both had no idea what it could mean. They also heard that Hagrid was a half giant, which didn't surprise us at all. Ron and Hermione had decided not to speak of their argument and they were being very formal towards each other. 
Harry hadn't figured out what the clue in the egg was. Cedric had told him to take a bath, bring the egg, and mull things over in the hot water, but Harry didn’t do that yet. He didn't want to do anything  Cedric told him to, because he wasn't still jealous that Cedric had gotten to Cho Chang before Harry did, but I told him he was being ridiculous.
Hagrid wasn't at his job when term resumed, and we had no idea why until we caught a copy of the Daily Prophet had an article written by Rita Skeeter about him being a half giant. Which had comments about how awful of a teacher he was from Slytherin students. It was all to get back at Harry for not speaking to her after the first article about him.
There was a Hogsmeade visit halfway through January, and Harry was hoping to see Hagrid and convince him to come back to work. We met the Weasley twins halfway through the day at the Three Broomsticks. They were already there, drinking butterbeers as we approached the table. I sat next to George and he hugged me, and placed a kiss onto my lips quickly. His breath smelled like the Butterbeer he was drinking.
"How has your day been, love?" He asked, flashing me a smile.
"Just delightful," I say, smiling back at him, "how's your day been?"
"Just wonderful," replies George, "we went to Honeydukes and Zonko’s, hit all the hot sports."
Ludo Bagman was here, and he took Harry aside and they talked for a moment before he let Harry return to us. Which kind of annoyed me because he had our drinks. Harry said he offered to help him with the Golden egg and Harry turned him down.
Then Rita Skeeter came in, and Harry just couldn't control his tongue around her. He asked her if she was going to ruin someone else's life. Harry got loud with her, and Hermione even spoke up, defending Harry and Hagrid, and then I said we should leave. And I took Harry's arm and took him out of the pub. Everyone followed us.
Hermione was livid, going on and on a mile a minute as we walked back to the castle. She took Harry to visit Hagrid, and we found Dumbledore not Hagrid, at Hagrid's hut. We all couldn't fit in the hut, so Fred, George and I all decided we'd just catch the story later. I gave Hagrid a hug before I left, and I told him that I wanted him to come back to work, and the twins even told Hagrid that they have missed him in classes before we left.
We went up to the Common Room and sat on the couch together, just the three of us. "I hope Hagrid is okay," I say, "he seemed really upset."
One of George’s long arms is around me, "Don't worry, darling," he said and placed a kiss onto the top of my head. "Hagrid will be okay. It's Hagrid. He's never down for long."
When they returned from Hagrid's hut, Harry said that they got Hagrid feeling better before they left, which made me feel so much better.
Despite not wanting to, Harry had no choice but to accept Cedric's help and he took his egg for a bath. He did it in the middle of the night, in the Prefect’s bathroom, so he'd for sure be alone. The Ghost of the bathroom, Moaning Myrtle, told Harry to put the egg under the water, because that's what Cedric had done. He tried it and discovered that when the egg was under the water that the high-pitched scream turned into singing when submerged.
We were able to figure out that it had to do with the Black Lake, and that there were Merpeople in the lake and the Second Task could have to do with them. He had a hard time figuring out how to breathe under the hour he had to look for whatever it was that they were going to take from him. We tried to help him as much as we could but we couldn’t figure it out. Snape accused Harry of sneaking into his personal store and stealing ingredients to brew Polyjuice Potion. To which Harry assured him that he wasn't, but Snape did not believe him.
On Valentine’s day, George and I spent the entire night together, since we had classes during the day. He had gotten me a bunch of different boxes of different kinds of candy from Honeydukes the last time he was there, and I gave him a few cans of a Muggle joke item called Silly String that I had stolen from Dudley just to give to George and show him how the Muggles pull pranks. I watched him as he snuck up behind Ron, and then covered his red hair in the electric blue colored string. He was laughing the entire time, Fred laughed as he watched it happen too, and then he even came over to ask me what that stuff was and where he could get some for himself. Ron, however, didn't find it that funny.
Harry still hadn't figured what he was going to do for the Second Task even the night before the Task. We were planning on staying up all night to help him figure out how to breathe under the water for an hour, but Professor McGonagall came and took Hermione and I away out of the Common Room and took us to her office where Professor Dumbledore was waiting for us.
"You two are going to assist Mr. Potter and Mr. Krum in the second task tomorrow," she said, her tone hard as usual.
"How are we going to do that, Professor?" Asks Hermione.
"You will be the items that they need to find, with you, Miss Granger, as Mr. Krum's object of affection and Miss Potter Harry’s sister you two are the things that they will miss the most in this school. You will be bewitched to sleep and placed at the bottom of the Black Lake, where they will find you."
"And what if they don't find us, Professor?" I ask curiously.
"You will be released after all of the Champions are back to the surface after their hour is up. We will not let you be under any true danger."
We both trusted Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore so we agreed to this. And we allowed Dumbledore to bewitch us both to sleep.

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