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When we all woke again it was mid-day, and we saw someone had delivered our trunks while we were sleeping. We were supposed to be on Holiday break after all. So us girls decided to get dressed and head downstairs. We saw Mrs. Weasley had sandwiches made, and the twins were already down here dressed for the day as well. Sirius was sitting at the table but he was joined by Lupin now. I gave him a quick hug, greeting him saying, “Hi Sirius.”
“Hello, sweetie,” He says, as I lightly kiss the top of his head. Then I moved over to Lupin and gave him a quick hug too.
“Someone is in good spirits this morning,” says Sirius as I take a seat at the table next to George.
“Well you know, Mr. Weasley is going to be okay,” I say shrugging, “It seems like the worst of last night is finally coming to an end.”
“Someone is in good spirits this morning,” says Sirius as I take a seat at the table next to George.
“Well you know, Mr. Weasley is going to be okay,” I say shrugging, “It seems like the worst of last night is finally coming to an end.”
"That it is," says Mrs. Weasley, smiling. I hugged her too.
After we all ate lunch it was time to go visit Mr. Weasley at St. Mungo’s, where we were escorted by Tonks and Mad-Eye, and of course Mrs. Weasley, Lupin had stayed behind to stay with Sirius. When we arrived, we went to the second floor where Mr. Weasley was. He was in great spirits when he saw us, he was happy to see his children again. He had bandages wrapped around his neck that they can’t take off of him because he said he starts bleeding like mad whenever they try.
The Weasley children, and by that I really mean Fred and George, tried their hardest to get their father to tell them what he was doing for the Order when he was attacked, but every time they tried Mr. Weasley gave them a vague answer or Mrs. Weasley shut them down right away saying we weren’t discussing it in a public ward. Mr. Weasley also thanked Harry for being able to save him, without Harry seeing the vision of Mr. Weasley getting attacked, he would have probably bled out on the floor and no one would have found him until the morning when it was too late. He was alive, and we were all so happy to see he would make it through.
Christmas was rather quiet, actually. We woke up to the twins apparating into our bedroom to wake us girls up. “Good morning, ladies,” they singsong together. I sit up, and swing my legs over my bed and stretch my arms out over my head, letting out a little yawn as I do so.
“Good morning, boys,” I tell them after I have yawned.
George sits next to me in my bed and plants a quick kiss onto my cheek, “Merry Christmas, Love. And Happy Anniversary."
“Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary, Darling,” I say back, flashing him a smile.
“Ah yes,” says Fred, now sitting on the other side of me as well, “Today is your one year, isn't it? What did you get my brother, Savannah?"
George scoffs at his twin, “Ignore him, babe. The fact that one year ago today you agreed to be my girlfriend is more than enough.”
Hermione coos, and both she and Ginny place a hand onto their chest over their hearts and give each other a loving look, “How sweet,” says Hermione.
“I didn’t realize you were such a romantic, George,” Says Ginny, giving her brother a smile.
George’s ears turn red obviously embarrassed, Fred snickers, “No, what you don’t realize is how long he’s been in love with Savannah.”
“Stop embarrassing him,” I say to Fred, giving him a look that tells him to shut up.
“Well, there was actually a reason why we’re here,” says George, “and it’s not to tease me.”
Fred’s smile vanishes, “Right, um, our mum has been crying all morning.”
I gasp.
“What? Why?” Asks Hermione.
“Is something wrong with dad?” Asks Ginny, sounding worried.
“No, no, Dad is fine,” assures George, “It’s our arse of a brother, Percy.”
“What has he done now?” Asks Hermione.
“He sent back his Christmas jumper,” says Fred. “With no note.”
“He hasn’t asked how dad is, or visited him, or anything,” adds George.
“That arse,” hisses Ginny.
“We tried to comfort her,” said Fred, “told her Percy’s nothing more than a humongous pile of rat droppings.”
“It didn’t work,” says George, continuing for his twin, “So Lupin took over. Best let him cheer her up before we go down for breakfast I reckon.”
The other Weasley’s and their third oldest son, Percy, have been on the outs since he started working for the Ministry of Magic after he finished at Hogwarts. He’s the Junior Advisor to the Minister of Magic, and he believes everything the Minister is saying. He believes that Dumbledore is old and needs to be put out of Hogwarts and that he and Harry are liars. If you ask me, it’s Fudge that needs a swift kick in the head, but that’s just my opinion.
When we all decided to head downstairs, Mrs. Weasley looked like she had just stopped crying. It was so sad. No one should cry on Christmas, especially not because of one of their children. I give her a hug, and tell her Merry Christmas, and she gives me a squeeze, and I let her hug me for as long as she needs because I know she needs it right now.
We all sit and eat breakfast then, as one big, happy family. Lupin and Sirius start reminiscing over the last time they had Christmas breakfast together. When my parents  were still alive. “Lily was pregnant,” says Lupin, "and that was when James asked us to be your Godfathers."
“Oh yes,” says Sirius, nodding his head of long, thick, dark brunette curls, “Lily was quite delighted when we said yes. She started crying."
“It also could have been the pregnancy hormones,” Lupin jokes.
We went to visit Mr. Weasley at St. Mungo’s later that day. Lupin stayed back to keep Sirius company while we were gone. The oldest Weasley son, Bill, was already there visiting his dad when we arrived. Mr. Weasley was very excited to see all of us.
Fred, George, and Bill all head up to the tea room together after a while with their father. Mrs. Weasley gets angry at her husband when he tells her that he allowed the healer to perform a Muggle practice on him called stitches. That’s when the rest of us kids all decide to exit the room as well. We decide to join the twins and Bill upstairs and we head to the fifth floor. But before we can find the three of them, we run into Gilderoy Lockhart, our old Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He kept badgering us to get his autograph, so we decided to just get the autograph, say thank you and Merry Christmas, and then leave.
While we were waiting for him to finish signing our autographs, Harry noticed someone that we went to school with, Neville Longbottom. He was with his grandmother. He called out his name to get his attention and he looked absolutely frightened. He came over to us though, he had already been seen so I guess he figured there was no need to hide.
Neville’s grandmother ended up telling us why they were here, to see Neville’s parents. They were original members of the Order of the Phoenix, but they were tortured to insanity, that’s why Neville was raised by his grandmother. That’s who they were here visiting. His grandmother was damn near appalled Neville had never told us about his parents, and what they had done, because they were so brave for what they did, scoffing at him for being ashamed of their bravery. Neville said he wasn’t ashamed to be their son, but his grandmother didn’t buy it.
Then his mother joined us, not speaking, but just on a little walk down the hallways. She handed Neville an empty Drooble's Blowing Gum wrapper and trotted off again. That’s when his grandmother said they should be leaving, and she told Neville to throw the wrapper out, but I watched as Neville put it into his jeans pocket.
As we were walking away, Harry explained to us that a death eater called Bellatrix Lestrange, and three others, used the Cruciatus Curse on his parents and that’s why she was thrown in Azkaban Prison. Ron asked him how he knew this, and Harry said Dumbledore told him but swore Harry to secrecy because Neville obviously didn’t want anyone to know. When we finally met up with the twins and Bill in the tea room, Ron spilled what had just happened. Fred and George both listened to the story intently.

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