Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


" Hey babe. Miss you. I still want to call you 'babe'. I still want to kiss you. But I think I can 't . You 're taken. By someone else. And it 's not me. You promised. I 'll move on too. I 'll delete our pictures in my phone. Cuz I am pretty sure you did with your phone. So this is the reason why you 're rejecting my skype calls, phone calls and even ignored me on twitter. We only text, and I am pretty sure I am not texting Anna. But maybe possibly Drake. How I know him you ask ? He was once my friend. It felt so great to call him best friend. But, he took me for granted, he snatched my friends. He snatched my money. He snatched even my best friends. And my ex-girlfriend. We lasted for 9 months until he snatched her away. He 's. A. Douche. You 'll not going to listen to me. Cuz I am just your ex. And you don 't care about me, whom you left heart broken in mullingar. So I shouldn 't be worried about you. Not wanting anything from you.

[P:S I bet he 's a good kisser, when you smiled so widely whenever you guys kissed. How I know ? Look around your surroundings. This will probably the last you 'll heard from me. I 'll move on. I can be better without you.] "

I cried so hard. If only he knew. If only he knew, this was set up by my dad to forget you. If only he knew that, I really love him. I regretted. It 's better living on the streets than forcing to date with someone you never love. Yup, that 's my decision.

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