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"Wake up!" Gav's yell roared through my head before a pillow smacked the back of it. "I've gotta get mia moglie a new car today, and you're coming with me, jackass!"

"Happy New Year to you too." I raised my hand behind me, flipped him off, got nailed in the head again by that bag of feathers. "Dammit, Gav. I'm up." I lifted my face from the sheets, realizing it wasn't the only thing buried deep. "Get out of here! Give me five to shower."

The door slammed; I rolled to my back, pants glued to my dick. I didn't wanna wake from those dreams. They had been good before, but now I could taste his lips, feel his body, smell him. Those dreams felt real, too real.

A buzz sent my hand to the table, flipping my phone to see the alert on the screen, a message from Mark received an hour ago: Wish you came back to my place last night.

Fuck, me too. But Gav would have asked questions and I needed to play it safe. The phone buzzed again, another message from him as if he'd known I was reading the first: Would have been fun to do more than just kiss.

"Just kiss?" I read the message a second time, would have been fun to do more than just kiss. Was he insulting me? Complaining? Disappointed? Just kiss. That kiss lasted over a fucking hour; that kiss was the hottest thing that had ever happened to me; that kiss was not just a kiss-to me at least.

I hadn't kissed anyone before him, but I knew damn well that wasn't just a kiss, and I felt his response, his body hard against mine. Just kiss, would have been fun-what kind of bullshit message was that? I dropped the phone back down, my high and my dick dropping with it. He was expecting it to be more when I thought it was everything. Whatever.

Gav was already at the front door by the time I made it down, his antsy ass holding it open, leading me out to the go-kart, both of us crawling into our seats.

He cleared his throat as the engine boomed, reversing down the driveway to the street. "How was your night last night? After we bailed?"

The question caught me off guard, my face jerking on instinct toward the car window, staring out at the line of sprawling homes while debating my answer. "The, oh, whatever."

Hopefully, that was enough to end these ridiculously invasive questions. But no, he continued, "Her friends didn't drive you crazy?"

Her friend drove me absolutely fucking crazy, in the best way possible. Until this morning, at least, just kiss. "They're fine."

"Even the Mark guy?"

I choked, concealing it with a fake cough. "Who?" My voice cracked with the question, pathetically betraying me. "Which one was he?"

"The only other guy there."

I kept my stare out the window. "I didn't notice him." Didn't notice the way he arched when I pinned him to the wall or how he whimpered against my mouth when our bodies rubbed so fucking hard our pants sparked. Nor did I notice his lips when my teeth bit over them, sucking the fat bottom one into my mouth before choking on his tongue, imagining the way it'd feel stroking my dick, lick after lick-oh, fuck. I twisted my entire body toward the window, hands covering my lap and the steel constricting under my jeans.

"Good," he sighed, and I swore I heard a laugh. "Didn't want you to feel like you had to put out. I mean that you felt put out."

Jesus Christ. "Dove stiamo andando?" I asked, even though I knew we were heading to a car dealership. "You know what you're buying?"

He laughed again, for no apparent reason. "I'm going for the Escalade."

Escalade? I pictured all two feet of Sadie trying to get up into that thing. "You think she can get into the driver's seat without a ladder? Not to mention it's a GM. Where's your fucking pride. Italia makes the best cars."

STEFANO Sample {Gay / MM Romance}Where stories live. Discover now