Happy Halloween!

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"Maybe I should call you "Witch" instead of "Angel", because I'm pawsitive you've cast a spell of some sort on me!" Cat Noir teases.

"Oh please, you know I'm angelic!" You tease right back.

The backstory to this is Cat always joking that you've cast a purring spell on him, and that he only purrs when he's around you.

"Besides, your main argument is that you only purr around me, and I sure hope that you're not always cuddling people!"

"Of course not! It's just a little weird, don't you think? It would also explain how I'm so meowsmerized by your beauty!" He says, winking.

"Then what's your excuse?"


"Why am I so meowsmerized by your beauty?"

"Probably a side affect."

"Oh yeah, I bet."


"Hey, what are you doing for Halloween?" Cat asks during a mid October evening, just lounging on your balcony.

"Well, I don't think I wanna go to the dance again this year." You reply.

"Yeah, me either. You wanna go trick or treating?"

"Aren't we a little old for that?"

"Nefur! Besides, we can just take s/n!" (Sibling name)

"I guess so. Are we dressing up?"

"Of course!!"

You giggle, and agree.

"We should do a couples costume!!" He says enthusiastically.

"Like what?"

"Hmmm..." He hums, laying his head over on your lap.

"We could do something from a movie?" You suggest.

"Maybe." He says thoughtfully.

Before you can answer he starts purring.

"There's your spell again." He remarks.

"Yep." You say and give a witchy laugh.

"That's it!" Cat exclaims, sitting up.

"What's it?"

"You can be a witch, and I'll be your black cat!"

"But then then you won't be dressing up!"

"Technically I am, this isn't really my street clothes." He says, gesturing to his suit.

"Well then how come I've seen you wear that in the streets many times?"

He gives you look, making you both laugh.

"So do you wanna do that?" He asks.

"Sure, why not?" You agree.


On Halloween night, Cat Noir you assume from the pattern, knocks on your front door.

"I'll get it!" You shout to anyone who may be listening.

"Trick or treat!" You hear as you open the door.

You were right, there stands Cat Noir, slightly changed as he's drawn some whiskers onto his cheeks.

"Here's you a treat." You tease and lean to to give him a kiss.

"Oh wow! My favorite!" He says after pulling away.

You laugh, and s/n runs in, all dressed up.

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