chapter one

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"Kris! Boys! Wake up you're starting a new school today you're not being late!" I hear the hag I call my mother yell from down stairs.

"Ugh whatever. I'm getting up." I groan and roll out of my bed.

We just moved here to Toronto Canada all the way from California. Big adjustment.

I walk over to my twin brothers Ethan and Grayson's room. Yeah I'm a triplet. Not as great as it sounds. Trust me.

"Get your lazy asses up." I say beating on their door.

"We're up just go get ready Kris." I hear one of the two of them scoff.

They piss me off.

I walk back into my bedroom and to my closet lazilly pulling on some black skinny jeans and a bright red All Time Low shirt. I pull on a maroon obey hoodie and my maroon cored vans and make my way to mine and the boys shared bathroom.

I hate my hair.

I hate my face.

I hate this house.

I'm gonna hate this school.

I hate my life.

I wanna move back to Cali.

I let out a sigh and plug my flat iron in and pull my backup bag out from under the counter.

I start to apply my makeup and I see Grayson leaning on the door frame from the corner of my eye.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Gahh my sister is so pretty I swear me and Ethan will have to kill guys all over the world." He complains causing me to laugh.

"Shut up Grayson you shouldn't lie to you're triplet."

"Not lying sis. You should've seen it though Ethan fell down the stairs a minute ago." Grayson laughs grabbing his tooth brush and hair gel.

"Should've videoed it dude. Now scoot I'm trying g to do my hair and makeup."

"It amazes me that we live in a HUGE house and there one bathroom upstairs." Ethan complains walking into the bathroom.

Its a good thing its a really big bathroom.


After we're all three ready for school we head downstrairs and collapse on the couch.

"I don't wanna goooooooo I wanna go hommmmmeeee." I whine.

"This is our home now Kristen." My mother says.

"Yes okay mother I get it you had to ruin our lives and move us to another country where NONE of our friends are." I groan in response.

"Kris." She warns.

"Whatever let's get this show on the road." I scoff and stand up grabbing Ethan and Grayson's hands and pulling them up too.


We pull into the parking lot and theres teenagers everywhere.

As soon as we step out of Ethan's car everyone's eyes are on us.

Perks of coming in the middle of the school year.

"Hey baby can I see what's under those jeans?" Some jock wolf whistles and I swear Grayson almost has an aneurysm.

"Don't talk to my sister like that asshole!" Ethan shouts.


"Ahhh the Dolan triplets. Yes. We weren't expecting you all till tomorrow but this is even better! Here are your times tables. I hope you like Seabrook Highschool." The lady in the office smiles and I just stare at her blankly while Ethan and Grayson smile politely at her.

Just Friends. *Shawn Mendes*Where stories live. Discover now