TB and bonnie one shot

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Bonnie and TBs past as little kids

TB's pov

"Hey brother" i said i was 8 years old i was bounceing up and down on my brothers bed

"WAKE UP TIME TO PLAY!!!!" i yelled in his ear

"Im up im up ok what brother?"

"I have an idea TICKLE FIGHT!" i started to tickle my little brother "hey stop!" he laughed i laughed with him "lets go down and eat lunch!" i ran down The stairs "comeon bro" i was still in my socks but i pulled them off

"Ok im coming" my brother walked down The stairs "i'll make us some pizza!" i was excited and jumpy when i was little "ok TB dont make too much now" he helped me make The pizza and after it was done me and my brother sat down to eat not to mention my brother is 11 years old

"YUMMY this is good!" i smiled at my brother "yup always good" when i finished eating i ran to The living room "RAWER ima T.rex ima eat all humans!" i started to stomp around like a T. rex

"Grrrrr RAWER nom nom agggghhhhh!!!!!!" my brother than ran over to me and picked me up i was laughing "i have caught this menicing dinosaur now to bring it back to jurassic park!" he walked me over to our room "grrrrrr rer rrrrrroooooaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!"

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