Let's burn it down. Or not

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"I know that we all want to make a statement, but is burning Clairmot really the answer?" Mirren tried to reason with all of us liars.
"Yes" I said half drunk "and if we all die atleast we can show them something" The room was spinning.
"Your delusional" Mirren said scowling
"No she's drunk" Gat smiled and put his arm around me. I really wanted to kiss him. "What if we just lit a small fire?" Johnny tried to reason with me. "Just burned one or two rooms to show them that nothing is permanent?" All the wine I had been drinking was starting to make me sick
"Fine whatever. But what room?" I slurred
"What about Tippers sewing room. Take the last thing of hers they had?" Gat said. I didn't want to admit it, but he was right.

"Everybody got the plan? We go in to Granny Tippers seeing room, thrown the boats gasoline on everything, and light it up. Got it?" Gat said. I was leaning on him because the world was still tilting. Who knows, I might just light up. I stumbled along with Gat to get the gasoline. We all walked into Clairmont and did it together. Mirren threw the gasoline and I struck the match. I stared at it, knowing this would change our family forever. We covered our mouths and noses and ran for Cuddledown. That way we could say that we couldn't see the fire. We put on a movie and sat silently and waited for the sirens to start.

We, are Sinclairs. A perfect and beautiful family. All of us tall and blond. We are never upset. We always stand up and act normal. We put on our beautiful smiles at dinner and hide our pain. Like I said. We were perfect. And now we are liars

We Almost Weren't Liars (We Were Liars)Where stories live. Discover now