Chapter 5: Victory?

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"It was you?" I said, the glowing barrel now inches away from my face.

My heart was pounding against my chest but yet I didn't feel any fear rise in me.
No fear, no anger, just....nothing.

White nodded but didn't lower the loaded blaster. His eyes were dead and glazed over, the bright joker who I knew only moments ago and who I once considered family was gone.
The only thing that remained was a cold killer.

"Why?" was the only question that came out of my mouth "Why would you do this?"

His hands were trembling slightly.
He shook his head "You don't understand (Y/n)" he said in a lowered voice "They were using us. They've used us since day one. They were going to let us rot out here"

I was confused "Who? The crew?"

He shook his head again, but this time more frustrated. Like he thought I was stupid for not seeing it all. 

"No. I tried to tell Brown. I went to him and told him that we had to stop them before it was too late....but he didn't believe me. I knew they had brainwashed you, all of you"

His skin was paler than it was before, black veins seem to be visible under its nearly transparent surface. He looked almost inhuman. There was a hint of a smile on his lips when he saw how I looked at him. The smile of a lunatic 

" (Y/n) you have to understand me, I'm saving us"

The absence of anger now came flooding back. The sight of my dead crewmates now more vivid then ever in my mind.

"Saving us?" I suddenly spat at him, forgetting my fear  "You snuck around the ship lying and killing everyone because you have some stupid savior complex? You are no savior White, you're a murderer!"

"NO!" he screamed at me, his hands were trembling more now, his mood seemed to jump from one to another and for a split second I thought he even looked guilty and ashamed of what he had done "No! You don't understand!"

But the he sucked in a breath and I watched as all light and humanity seep out of his eyes.
His hands stopped shaking.

"I knew it" his voice was cold and dead " I thought there was hope for you. I thought you would listen. You were always the more logical one, more logical than Blue, but no. They have brainwashed you too"

He raised the blaster again, setting it to its highest setting. The barrel glowed menacingly as I slowly reached my hand behind me toward the wrench in my toolbelt.

"I'll save you (Y/n). I'll save us all"

I closed my eyes and swung as hard as I could. The satisfying feeling of metal hitting flesh met my now aching fingers.

There was the loud blast of a plasma beam but it didn't matter. Without hesitation I shoved past White with all my might and ran out of Electrical.

"You cant escape them (Y/n) !" I heard White scream as I rounded the corners towards the lower engines. The lights were still out, and there only light I had was the flickering light of my flashlight but it didn't matter, the quicker I could get to the others, the faster we could stop White.
I was still running when my foot suddenly hooked on something large on the ground, making my teeth sing as I fell to the floor. 

The bloody body of Green laid beside me, his lifeless eyes staring into my very soul and being. His broken neck twisted in a gruesome angle towards me, opposite of his body' direction. 

My wind in my lungs were knocked out and I felt a shriek rise in my throat. I slammed my hand over my mouth and scurried back onto my feet before I could do anything else. 
I couldn't stop now. I had to keep going.

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