Y/N-Mike are u ok? Mike-Yeah why Y/N-I feel something hard😉 Mike-What is it? U get off of him and point at his ykyk Mike-Oh,sh!t I'm so sorry Y/N-Aww🥺 Mike-What? Y/N-I get u hard Mike-Yes U get up and start rubbing on ur body to tease him Mike-Stop! Y/N-nope Mike-Why u gotta be so fine🥵 Y/N-Idk U keep rubbing on your body U see him grabing his ykyk While biting his lip Y/N-Boy u want it that bad Mike-Less talking Y/N-Boy what?!? Mike-come here babygirl U lay on Mike aging Y/N-But u not getting any so go to sleep Mike-What?!? Y/N-Yup (Ur messing with him) Y/N-Mike Mike-Leave me alone Y/N-lmao Mike-It's not funny U kiss him on the lips Mike-Say less Y'all start kissing Mike flips u around and goes down on u Y/N-Chile Mike-nope Mike-get on ur knees Y/N-boy stop playing Mike-I'm not playing Y/N-nop- Mike grabs u by the neck and says Mike-Now In your ear Y/N-ok Chile Mike-What my name? Y/N-Mike Mike-ok He picks u up and put on all four He started to go hella fast and hard Mike-What's my name? Y/N-Mikey Mike-ok He lays u on ur back and opened ur legs up Y/N-Ok um sorry Mike-what's my name Y/N-Mike😂 Mike-Say less U get a lil scared He was like wanna see some real speed 🏎 💨 Y/N-Oh shit Mike-Yeah Ur eyes roll to the back of ur head and u grip the bed Y/N-Daddy Chile!! Mike-shh Y/N-Sorry daddy Mike-Nope Y/N-Mikeyyyy Mike-What Y/N-Can't take it Mike-lmao Mike stops y'all lay down Mike-I knew u would give up Y/N-Shut up🙄 U get a text from Derek:
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Derek-Y'all done Shut up-Y/N Derek-Y'all nasty
U show Mike Mike-Lmao U get up to use the bathroom but u fall Mike-oop🤭 Y/N-Mikey🥺 Mike-u good Y/N-What does it look like🙄 Mike helps u to the bathroom U change into some booty shorts and a Nike t-shirt U out on ur black ugg slides U crawl to Dereks room Y/N-DEREK ! Derek-WHAT? Y/N-Why are u yelling I'm down here Derek-Oh,what Y/N-Can we get some food Derek-U just got some ykyk and u hungry Y/N-yeah Derek-we got food in the house Y/N-Ok Mom🙄 Derek-Lmao You leave his room