I don't have a lot to say be this is the the TikTok Room posted on Instagram
TikTok Room
Mya and Y/N fight infront was the mall?!?
#notfriendsanymoreMyafanpage-Mya deaf won that
User-Girl u got a whole android 😂LilMosey-Ma wifey y/n won that
Y/NandMike_fanpage-Don't like Dixie?!?
User-oop🤭User-LilMosey leave Y/N alone she don't like ur ashy self
Lilmoseywife-Don't talk to my man like
User-Girl u like 8 years oldSee more comments

✨Fell in love with my brother's best friend ✨
FanfictionY/N which is you falls in love with your brother's best friends (it's in the title😀👍)