chapter four

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I walked up to calums house hearing the loud music. The smell of achohal making me gag. Then the memories of what happened the last two days made me even more nervous than I was. I walked inside to see all eyes on me making me regret coming already. Soon a blonde boy with stunning blue eyes.

"Hi I'm Luke." he said his voice making me melt inside. 

"Well heyyy luke I'm Emily." I said carrying on the y making him laugh a little omg is he trying to kill me.

"Well would a beautiful lady like you want a drink?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess I would." I said blushing at the fact he called me beautiful.

"Well then let's go to kitchen and get you one" he said with I smile that I swear cab cause the death of me. ugh.

"Okay well let's go" i said and we walked of to the kithen.

"So Emily what bring you here today" he asked causing me to cringe at the thought of calum. Ugh I hate him souch I don't even know what got into me when I was teasing him earlier.

"Uhhh calum"I said quietly not wanting to be reminded of what happened.

"Oh I he's alright what are you guys" he asked with worry in his eyes like he thinks I'm cals girlfriend.

"He's my bully and he wanted to prove to me he likes me so he told me to come here tonight I'm not really expecting anything though because he's a big dick"I said trying not to cry.

"Well how in the fucking world could he bully someone as stunning as you?"

"Who knows hey do u wanna make him jealous by having some fun Luke? it could be fun and would end how ever you want it" I asked him and a smirk grew in his face and he nodded his head viciously u thought it would fall off.


He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor and I started grinding on him. He started leaving kisses on my shoulder causing me to moan and he smirked. I turned around and kissed him then I heard a growl behind and I turned around to find my ex boyfriend Paul standing there looking pissed throwing daggers at Luke.

" EMILY WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU KISSING HIM I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME"  he yelled with no emotion at all .

" well Paul I did love you until you cheated on me with my worst enemy in my house when I was asleep." I said with anger in my voice. I didn't give him time to respond and pulled Luke upstairs and I saw calum kissing a girl like I said he wouldn't prove shit. Luke grabbed on to me protectively and glared at calum. I pulled him into a room and started making out with him again wondering what calum would do if i let luke take my virginity

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