CHAPTER 1: Introductions.

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            It was another regular day of being beaten up by the people at the orphanage. Even then, at least I still have a roof over my head but soon, I will have yet another problem, as I'm going to turn 18 and in my home town when you turn 18 your considered an adult so the orphanage will kick you out. When your still cute and young it's another story however, you would have to would have to stand outside the orphanage with a tin can in the hot sun or the freezing snow. And when you were no longer considered 'cute' you would be forced to make online ads promoting the orphanage or asking for donations. And if you make a single spelling mistake or punctuation error you would be punished. Most of the time only some of the donation money was spent on us and our welfare while the rest was spent by the staff on luxury items like designer bags and jewellery.

      The only time I ever felt safe, peaceful or free was when I snuck out for nighttime walks, like I was doing now. I knew what I was doing was risky and that if I were to get caught I would be severely punished but I just couldn't stop myself.It had rained not to Long ago and the air was still cold so I wore my (F/C) sweater over my (S/F/C) shirt. In my ears were earphones I some how haven't lost for all these years connected to my iPod in my pocket that I had smuggled in. I slipped my hand into my pocket and felt the smooth metal of the iPod, memories of the sound of gunshots and screaming rose to the surface before I locked them back again, tears blurred my eyes before I blinked them away. I immersed myself in the lyrics of
(F/S) bobbing my head to it's beat. Then I heard a Crash.

I unplugged the earphones from my ears and slipped them into my pocket. I went to investigate the odd noise. I know that most characters in horror movies that investigate a weird noise don't live long enough to tell the tale but at this point I wonder if death was better than living with the staff. I heard another crash this time with the faint buzzing sound of electricity then I heard another crash, then yet again another crash followed by the buzzing noise again. I entered a small clearing in the forest and by clearing I mean clearing trees were sideways and grass were pulled up revealing the dirt underneath. AND OH MY GOODNESS!! THERE WAS A GIANT SNAPPING ROBOT!!!!

     I let out a gasp a few seconds to late slapped a hand over my mouth, the robot somehow heard me because he- at least he looked like a he, turned around to look at me. The robot had pretty slender slender form for a robot, or at least I thought he had. The robot had four crown spikes, a pair of small ones accompanied by longer ones, in between the smaller crown spikes was a glowing square. He had tentacle like things sprouting from his back but he retracted then when he noticed me, the most intriguing part besides the tentacles was the black visor on his face. Then the robot did something that I was not expecting he got on one knee and set down a hand on the ground for me. Most people would definitely have ran away by now but for some reason I felt oddly comforted by him, so I got onto his hand then he got up from his kneeling position.

A yellow and black male looking robot got up, there was a yellow thing where his mouth should be. When he caught sight of me his already huge eyes widened. Then he started letting out frantic noises similar to that of an old radio trying to find a channel. The next to get up was  a dark blue female looking robot. She let a groan before being alerted of my existence by her friend's gibberish, so they communicate through beeps? The last to get up was a blue and red robot with a mask covering his mouth. "Optimus, Soundwave has a human!" The blue one warned, the robot getting up sprang up and his hands somehow turned into blasters in the blink of an eye, the other two followed suite. Soundwave..that's a nice name, I also should probably not be thinking that in a time like this one.

Soundwave took a few steps backwards then he opened a glowing green vortex he turned around and the robots started shooting but it was already to late, we had already made it into the portal it closed behind us. "SOUNDWAVE!!" A voice screeched. A silver female looking robot stomped over to us "What took you so long! It doesn't take that long to get a little en-A FLESHY!!!" The female screamed. I don't mean to be mean but she's not very ladylike and she doesn't look very pretty. She tried to grab me from Soundwave's hand but Soundwave passed me to a tentacle and held it higher then she could reach. "Soundwave what are you doing you good for nothing..drone..ripoff.." Sh-he his voice is to deep to be a female, anyway he trailed of when Soundwave rose to his full highs causing him to squirm "Y-You know what? You can keep it! But if it steps out of line it will be offlined!" He warned then stomped of.

       Soundwave set me down on a table top "Name-" he asked with what I assume was a recording since it sounded cut of and there were those sound squiggles on his visor. "(Y/N).." I replied my voice hoarse from not being used very often. He tapped on the side of his head as if asking me to speak louder I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out a pen refill, I knew that it would come in handy. I reach back into the depths of my pockets and pulled out a bloodstained handkerchief, I remember this it was earlier today that I had stood up to a staff member who was making Lira(Le-rah) cry she had pushed me and I had cut myself on the sharp corner of a table. She had not given me dinner after that, there usually didn't cut us so as to not make obvious evidence of abuse but they would occasionally beat us.

       I wrote as big as I could I reread it 'My name is (Y/N). My favourite colour is (F/C). And my brith day is on (B/D).' Then I passed the handkerchief to Soundwave he read it somehow then he pointed a long slim finger at a bloodstain and made a 'where?'  gesture. I rolled up my sleeve revealing a long cut, the blood had dried but it was still quite fresh. Soundwave plugged his tentacles into an outlet in the table and froze for a few minutes I was starting to feel worry take over curiosity's place but then Soundwave unplugged himself and he started treating my wound. He explained to me Cybertronion biology and any queries I had through recordings of course.

      Soundwave set me down on his shoulder pad and we started heading down a hall way. It was interesting seeing what seemed like the same robot over and over and over again even though Soundwave explained what drones were. When Soundwave stopped at a door and rapidly knocked on it. "Coming!" A voice replied. Then the sound of pedsteps echoed. 'Beep! Beep! Beep!' Was heard before the door slid opened. Standing at the door was a broad mech he was a dark blue and had an orange faceplate and yellow optics. "Uh.. Soundwave? Good to see you?.." he asked more than greeted. "What do ya need?" He asked, Soundwave held up a servo for me and I climbed onto it he held me up for the new mech. "A squishy?" He asked dumbfounded, Soundwave pointed a digit at me "Squish the squishy?" He guessed, Soundwave looked at him right in the optics staring a whole through his spark. The mech shifted uncomfortably under Soundwave's gaze, "Take care of it?" The mech guessed and Soundwave nodded in approval. Soundwave help me up to the mech and he copied Soundwave's action.

   I walked onto his servo. Then we headed for the room, as we walked back inside I waved goodbye and Soundwave returned the wave with a smaller one I spared a final glance at Soundwave as the door closed. "Guess who just came by?" The mech asked "Who?" A red mech inquired while cleaning some tools "Soundwave, and look what he brought!" The blue mech proclaimed placing me on a table, the red mech set his tools down and came closer to get a better look at me"ooooh! A fleshy! I'll be an interesting case for study!" The red mech concluded using a digit to play with my hair."Well, actually Soundwave wants us to sparkling-sit it.." the blue mech corrected, "Awkward.." The red mech acknowledged. Before going back to his earlier activities. "My name is Breakdown and he's Knockout if ya need anything just ask" he announced.

        'Have heard of anime?' I mouthed slowly "No what is it?" Knockout asked. .'Do you have a remote?' I mouthed, "We have a Datapad?" Breakdown offered I nodded and he brought the Datapad to me and set it down next to me. I hopped around until I managed to do what I wanted. 'This anime is called (F/A)' I mouthed to them. My eyelids felt heavy and my shoulders were bowed but I refused to fall asleep we were almost on the halfway mark when there was a knock on the door.

       _______Soundwave's _P.O.V_______
         "Coming!" I heard the mech named Breakdown call, he held (Y/N) she stumbled onto my servo and trip almost falling thankfully I had caught her with my other servo. I set her down on my shoulder pad and walked back to my study area, I held a servo out for (Y/N) but she did not accept. I picked her from my shoulder pad and realised that she had fallen into recharge I entered the passcode to my berth room 'beep! Beep! Beep!' it talked I walked in when I was halfway in I heard the swish of the door, letting me know that it was now closing. I walked to my berth and sat her down in the corner, she looked so peaceful and tranquil. Only then did I realise how tired I was, so I decide to recharge along with her I shut my optics and let myself fall into recharge.

A.N: My arm is numb and my fingers are stiff, please tell me somebody is going to ready this and I didn't just suffer for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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