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"Ahhh hello there Rose" Malfoy beamed taking a seat next to the blue eyed girl. Sofia looked over at him, "hello Malfoy." The girl replied.

"Draco, why are you sitting over there? We have a seat saved for you," Goyle yelled to Draco from the other side of the room.

Sofia turned to see his whole group staring at them. One of them only focusing on Sofia. Pansy Parkinson, Sofia offered her a smile in hopes of being on her good side for the sake of Luna but Pansy disregarded her smile and glared at her.

Sofia turned away anxiously from the look Pansy had given her and looked at her notebook. "I want to sit here." Malfoy shrugged getting a questionable look from Blaise. "It's none of your business Blaise," Malfoy said annoyed and turned back around.

"I don't believe I ever got your first name."

Sofia looked at him bewildered that he didn't even know her first name, then again she wasn't very popular so it made since. "Sofia," she answered.

"Hm, pretty" Draco mumbled although Sofia could hear it. "Thank you."

"I'm still calling you Rose though."

"Fine with me, I don't plan to ever be on a first name basis with you anyways."

Sofia walked out of the Ravenclaw dormitories and made her way up to the astronomy tower. She needed to start on her work, it was due in four days and she was not even close to finished.

When she got there nobody except one person was there. She wasn't sure what his name was but she knew he was in Gryffindor. Sofia set up her telescope and got out the astronomy book.

'The easiest way to find Orion is to go outside in the evening and look in the southwest sky' the book read. The girl looked through her telescope pointing it southwest until she found the constellation.

She wrote down in her book where to find it in the sky and then went on to look for scorpius. She remembered being told they were opposite of each other so she turned around to northeast and looked through the telescope once more to see the shape of a dandelion. 'Hmm, it does look like a dandelion' she thought as she admired each individual star in the constellation.

Snapping her out of her trance was a loud cough. It was obnoxiously loud as if it were asking for her attention, which of course it was. "Malfoy I'm quite busy, bug me some other time will you?"

He smirked and strolled over to her. "And why would I ever do that" he jumped on the ledge of the tower and sat with his legs dangling off. "Malfoy get down that's dangerous!" Sofia snapped causing the smirk he already wore to grow.

"You seem to care a lot"

"No, I just don't want to witness a death."

"C'mon Rose, sit up here with me. You can see the stars better." Sofia thought for a moment and then looked around to see if anyone was in the astronomy tower besides them.

Nobody was there and it seemed as if the Gryffindor boy had left. She sighed and walked over to the ledge of the tower climbing up to sit next to Draco. Not too close though.

She looked up at the stars and smiled, "you're right this is pretty." He looked over at the girl. Her golden blonde hair blowing in the light autumn wind and her eyes twinkling from the stars above reflecting onto her pupils.

"I'm always right," Draco said confidently shaking off the stare he was holding on the girl. "Why are you so cocky? It doesn't make you look cooler." She said still looking into the night sky.

"Why do you have no friends and spend your days reading? It doesn't make you look quirky." Draco smiled at his comeback.

Sofia scoffed, "you love to ruin a good moment don't you? I have to go back now it's getting late." She said picking herself up and jumping back into the brick floor.

Draco realized he managed to piss the girl off, "oh c'mon it's nothing my fault you're lonely, you won't even except my friend request!" Draco replied jumping onto the floor after her.

Sofia turned back to face him, "alone is the absence of people, lonely is the absence of purpose. Learn the meaning Malfoy. I don't need friends or in your case, minions, to make me know I'm important. I know that by myself."

With that the girl walked off.

WHAT- 1k reads in a DAY?!?! Also I am living for your comments. Thank you so much for the support and I'm so sorry that Sofia is a stubborn little bitch... she'll progress cidjcjejci 💀 ALSO you all better have enjoyed this chapter, I had to learn about Astronomy for this and where the constellations are in the sky

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