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The next few weeks went by quickly. The bit of popularity Sofia had gotten from the party was now gone. People knew her name but she wasn't the main topic of conversation anymore.

Draco had simmered down on trying to win the bet against Sofia. The bet still stood but he wanted to ease her into liking him. It was quite stupid really, getting a girl to like him just so he could lead her on. He somehow found humor in it though. They still hung out often, mainly during free periods or in the great hall for breakfast or dinner.

Winter was slowly approaching welcoming a cold breeze and light snow. Sofia's blonde hair began to fade into a darker shade from not having the sun beam on it. Her eyes now icy blue which looked like the Pacific Ocean during the middle of a storm, mixing with different emotions and colors. She carried around a red tint to her cheeks due to the cold weather.

Sofia now walked alongside Draco to Astronomy around midnight of early December.

"Then his stupid little friends tried to team up on me. If you ask me it's just because he can't do anything by himself," Draco kept going on about an issue with Harry that HE had caused earlier that day.

"Malfoy, I've never even spoken to him. I'm not one to talk to about this, I'm not taking sides."

"Well just by looking at him it's obvious I'm better. Have you even seen his robes? Oh god, don't even get me started on Weasley's robes. That family is as poor as dirt," he said in disgust of thinking of the boy.

"Malfoy! Don't say that, just because you're privileged doesn't mean they are. Not everyone has filthy rich parents. If you want to complain about something complain about this class. It's so stupid, it shouldn't be at midnight," Sofia yawned.

"Say, are you going to Hogsmeade this Saturday?" Asked Draco. Sofia had sent a letter out to her mother to sign so she could go, "yeah, why?"

"Hmm, you should hang out with me. Maybe if you get Lovegood to come too she can hang out with Pansy so she won't be up my arse the whole time."

"Ok, Luna will most definitely want to come." They jogged up the steps to the astronomy tower to be met with several students turning their heads toward them.

"Why are you two late?" Asked Ms.Sinistra, many students snickering at Sofia's embarrassed face.

"Sorry Ms. we didn't know it take that long, we lost track of time," Sofia said with an innocent smile.

The teacher raised an eyebrow before dismissing them both to sit down. Sofia sighed and pulled out a chair to sit in beside Draco.

Blaise looked at Draco questionably from in front of him while Draco just shook his head signaling they weren't late for any specific reason other than they lost track of time.

Class went on and Sofia's head was rested on her arms that were crossed on the table. Draco only noticed now that she had to be asleep. Luckily for her Ms. Sinistra couldn't see because Blaise was blocking the view of her.

Draco decided not to mess with her but as class dismissed Draco knew he had to wake the girl up.

"Rose," she didn't open her eyes, "Rose" he called again shaking her arm a bit. She slowly opened her eyes up groaning. "I'm tired" she complained closing them again.

"I don't care. Get up. We have to leave."

The girl sluggishly got up from her seat, "no reason to be rude," she rubbed her eyes.

"Well then come on," he dragged her arm.

They walked side by side not speaking at all until Sofia had to turn a corner to go up to the Ravenclaw dorms.

"Goodnight," Sofia said barley above a whisper.

"Hmm," he simply replied beginning to walk away without saying goodnight back to her.

Sofia narrowed her eyes and scoffed, "arrogant twat, can't even say goodnight."

Before she got the chance to turn around a hand enclosed around around her neck, her back forcefully hitting against the wall. "What was that, Rose?"

"Nothing," she struggled to say, his rings pressing roughly against her neck.

"That's what I thought," he smirked. "Like I said Rose, you have no clue what you're getting yourself into. I'm done playing nice with you. You just had to choose the hard way, didn't you?"

He backed away from her ear, letting go of his grasp on her neck but dragging his fingers along the red mark that was left.

"Goodnight Rose."

Sofia stood there with her eyes wide open and mouth agape. She was speechless as she ran her fingers along her neck. She breathed heavily as a question formed in her mind, 'when on earth did he tell me I don't know what I'm getting myself into?'


I have ✨writers block✨ that's really the only reason I added something a little    🌶spicy🌶
It's like I have the whole book planned out but I just don't know how to keep every chapter leading up to the sixth year (which will be my fav year for her and Draco) interesting, but it's not like every day is supposed to be interesting. Idk. Anyways BYE

p.s. I ain't NEVER seen two pretty best friends. Always one of them gotta be ugly


𝓘𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 | A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now