"Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.
The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon."
The shepherd said nothing. He had understood the story the old king had told him. A shepherd may like to travel, but he should never forget about his sheep.
~The Alchemist
One Should neither get too engrossed in beauty to forget his responsibilities; nor should he become obsessed with his work to the point that he can no longer enjoy the beauty in life.
Quotes - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Random"The fear of Suffering is worse than the suffering itself." Quotes I liked from 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho and needed backup for. #4 in Quoteoftheday (1/7/2021) #12 in Quotations (1/12/2020) #13 Quote of the day (12/11/2020)