8~Don't Leave Me P.1

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A/N: This chapter is inspired by an idea from one of the readers, remember that I'm open to suggestions and vote or comment if you like it.  

 *Ron's Pov: 

I slowly woke up feeling really dizzy and hearing every single bone in my body. I was confused when I looked around and found myself on a hospital bed with a nurse checking something in the medical chart and I could hear some people talking outside of the room "Mister Wesley I'm happy that you are awake now, let me get the doctors and your family" The nurse looked down at me and smiled leaving me to my thoughts "RON! GOD, I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OK, NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN" Ginny shouted and hugged him tears fell from her eyes. And then Ron remembered what happened. 

*Third Person Pov Flashback: 

Ron decided to take Hermione out for some muggle cafe and pie to celebrate her eight-month pregnancy. Hermione and Ron had tried to get a baby ever since ginny got pregnant with James but they weren't lucky until one morning Hermione got really sick and had some morning sickness, after three days like this Ron took her to Mt. Mungos ignoring her protests. When they finished checking her the healers told them that she was pregnant by two weeks. After that, they made it a common thing to go out when a month had passed. 

They were talking lightly when someone touched Hermione's shoulder "er-mione, How long since we ave last meet" Victor Krum was giving her a big smile which she returned "O my God Victor it's been so long, how have you been, com please sit" Krum nodded towards Ron and went back to talk to Hermione. After some time which for Ron was years Vicktor said his goodbyes and left Hermione with a smile and Ron with an angry face "Well if you miss him so much you should have merry him Hermione" The whole cafe turned to see the. He left the cafe to get the car leaving Hermione confused and angry to pay.       

Ron was waiting for her in the car trying to calm himself down "What the hell was that Ronald! The whole cafe was staring at us and how in the world could you be so jealous" She shut the door behind her and gave him a death glare "O please Hermione, you only cared because of the cafe didn't you, BECAUSE YU NOW I'M RIGHT" He shouted and started to drive to there house "You must be kidding me right now, I think I have proven myself completely loyal to you and know you come and shout at me because I talked to a friend, A DAM BLOODY FRIEND" She seemed heart and furious buy her husband's actions, so she saw out of the window "O yea because you totally flirting with him was so loyal huh " He made her look at him. She couldn't hold it anymore between the anger, and all the stress she had with work and the pregnancy "O of course because you don't talk to Lavander Brown like she was your wife and do I tell you something NO, and I WASEN'T FLIRTING WITH VICTOR, we are FRIENDS"  He graved her hand, obligating her to look at him. He was about to shout back at her when Hermione said "Look out  Ronald!!!" And with that, the car went straight into a truck and all went black.

*Ron's Pov:   

I remember everything about our fight and then the crash Gin where is Hermione?" I asked but she didn't answer, I looked over and saw Harry in the door locking at Ginny and me "Hey mate, how are you feeling" Harry went to the feet of the bed and sat there looking at me with pity? Ginny stopped hugging me and locked back at harry who nodded "They are operating her Ron, it's not good at all, the doctors said she has really low chances of getting out of the situation" Ginny started to cry like all the world was falling apart. I could only stare at the selling thinking of my Hermione is in danger, and is my fault, My Hermione...

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