I'm Not Ready Pt.1

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Hermione's Pov

After a long day of work at the ministry trying to get S.P.E.W approved and be enforced as a new law in the wizarding world, Helping Kingsley and the tip of the iceberg I saw Malfoy today and it wasn't lovely. But of course, it doesn't stop there, Ron and I got on a fight in the morning about having babies.

 I opened the door to see Ginny, Harry, and Ron all sitting in the living room drinking firewhisky and butterbeer talking and laughing. After some time of me just standing there wondering how long have they all been just laying there doing nothing. Finally, Ginny notice my presence and attacked me with a hug that can only be overpowered by Mrs. Weasley herself. 

"Mione! Hey we have been waiting for you, I mean come on woman it's almost midnight and you are just getting home looking exhausted " Ginny said once she broke the hug.

I sighed "Well I was all morning helping Kingsley with his meetings because if I'm going to the minister of magic in two years as he said, I need to help learn from him and then I went on with S.P.E.W paperwork, and then there was an emergency in Malfoy Industries and Kingsly asked me to go so that's why om late" 

"Wait you saw the ferret, is he still a prat, are you ok" Harry stood up, worry all over his face.

"Yea, he is still a prat but I don't care"I send a look to Ron waiting for him to say something, he just looked at me, gave me a fake smile, and went back to drinking. I composed my self and also put on a fake smile "Have you guys eaten yet" 

They had some more drinks they order pizza and some cake for dessert. When they were halfway over dinner Ginny stood up grinning like mad "Well guys we have some exciting news..." She looked over at Harry that also stood up by now " We are having a baby!" They yelled at the same time. I was truly happy for my friends stood up and went to hug them both but Ron was a little taken back by the news so I gave him a big step on the foot for him to react. The rest of the time that they were there it was all baby talk, what would be the name, which gender they would like to have first, and all kinds of stuff, also that we would be the godparents and that really made me happy. 

Ron's Pov    

" I'm so happy for you guys, see you soon" I closed the door and looked at the clock  "grate is two am and I need to go to work tomorrow,"  I thought as I went into Hermione's and my bedroom dropping down into the bed. Hermione came in 20 minutes later after I spouse she was clinging everything up. 

"Ginny is pregnant" I said a little too harsh.   

"Yea I know, she kind of said it" 

"Well, that makes all of the Weasly siblings with children, Ha no wait, we don't have one of course because you are too busy with work, and as you said in the morning you are not ready"       

"Well because I'm not ready to be a mother yet Ron I told you I just can't please try to understand" 

" Help me to understand Hermione, help to understand why the hell my wife doesn't want to have kids, it is because she doesn't love me, is she cheating on me, Please Hermione " I immediately realized what I said and I regretted all of it.  

"Wait a second there, are you assuming that I am cheating on you really Ronald"

"Wait no Hermione I'm sorry, I didn't mean that really..." 

She cut me off "Now really Ron you made yourself clear you think I'm cheating on you because I'm not ready to have a baby, wow those vows we made 2 years ago to be for each other in all of the obstacles the world put on us we would have overcome them together but o well I'm sorry to disappoint you" She then diaperated out of the room. 

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, what the hell did I do" I started to pace in the room "Where could she go, come on Ron think, think, Ginny!"

I aperated to Ginny's and Harry's house and I was no welcomed by a good sight, I mean do you think you're little sister and your're best friend is a good sight, well the answer is no.

"Omg RON GET OUT" Ginny covered herself up as quickly as she could.

"Look I won't tell you a thing about this situation but I need to think Hermione, is she here?"

  "Think Ron, we wouldn't be making out if Hermione was here God do you even have a brain" Ginny was surprisingly dressed now "And why would she be here, we just left your home" 

"We have been having a rough patch in our relationship and I may have said some rude things and she got mad and left" I was really embarrassed 

Harry now got interested in our conversation "What did you tell my sister Ron"

"I, we, Do I have to tell you" I sighed and they both nodded so I continued "We have been fighting about having a baby, she doesn't want one and I do so one thing let to another and well I asked her if she was cheating on me" 

Ginny smacked me in the head but you could tell she wasn't as angry and I thought she would get and Harry just stood there numb. 

"I'm going to look for Hermione I know where she is. Harry stay with Ron. and Ron I understand that you are angry and I don't blame you but you need to control what yous say, especially to Hermione and all you have been through, and me and Harry are here for both of you"   

 "Thankyou Ginny I mean it" 

Ginny's POV: 

I got out of the house and went looking for Hermione, but the bad thing is that I have no idea where she could be, yeah I lied, so what the hell do I do now, call Luna and if that doesn't work well I'm doomed.

A/N: Hello I'm alive!!! I know this is not my best chapter and that I haven't been active that much I got back to school and I had a lot of tests and during summer I didn't wright because I was really busy with my Horse so I hope you like this chapter and yes it will have part 2 

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