Chapter 4: Quests

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"So, a man walks into a bar, and-"
"Why can't it be a girl?"
"Because women suck," Treil says.
"Not all women."
I could feel warm arms hugging me to a muscular body behind me, hot breath tickling my neck.
"Vanner!" I squealed.
"Hey, princess."
I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my brother.
"Then what?"
"A man walks into a bar. What does he say?"
"A beer, please?"
"I didn't even touch you!"
"No, that's what he says!"
My eyes widen.
"I can't believe I didn't get that!"
"Yeah, neither can I," Treil says, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
"What did I do to get a sister like you?"
"Something awesome."
The bell rang, and he grinned at me, slapped my arm, and gave Vanner a fist bump before running to English.
"We should get to class," I said, turning to face my boyfriend.
"Should we?"
He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.
"I don't know, there's definitely better things that we could be doing."
"I think not."
He pouted, and I kissed his lips quickly, then ran to class, leaving him behind me.
I could hear him laughing loudly, echoing in my ears as I finally got to class.
"Mica, this is the third time in three weeks. Are you purposely skipping?" Mrs. White said, in her don't-cross-me-because-I'm-a-teacher voice.
"No, Mrs. White. I had trouble getting my locker open."
I don't say what I'm thinking, because if I did, my answer would have been '"yes."'

I sat up slowly, my head groggy.

Treil... I'd dreamed about my brother. And Vanner. One of many memories where they were so close that they might have been the related ones. Until the liar broke that bond. I can't believe I dated that freak.

I rolled over, about to go back to sleep.
Wait, Hawk's expecting me, isn't he? Crud.

Which was when I remembered why my surroundings seemed so familiar. I had set up camp in one of the abandoned buildings that had once been on the other side of the Middle Class-Gangland border.
What time is it?

I stretched and walked to the nearest shattered window.

The sky said that it was already around 1 A.M. At least it would only be a several minute walk through Gangland, in the middle of the night. Good thing I had my knives.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and left the building, checking over my shoulder the whole time.

It was dark outside, lacking all the brilliant floodlights of Middle and the complex security systems of Higher. But this was Gangland, and it had plenty of cutthroats that would be more than happy to rape and kill a 17-year-old girl on her own. Only unlike Hawk, this wouldn't be a cover to make deals. This would be the real thing.

Finally, I saw the guard of the Ribbon Hearts, Hawk's gang, there because nighttime in this part of Trenstri did require a guard, the toughest one you can get, and from the look of them, these were topnotch killers.

But who was I to judge? It's not like I'm any different.

"Who are you?" I knew him vaguely, this was Burn, one of the gang's best.

"Ray," I said quietly.

"Ent you the lass from earlier?" The other one said, baring his teeth in something that was probably supposed to be a smile. I had no idea of his name.


They exchanged a look.

"So, ares you back for mores?"

I gritted my teeth, unsure how to answer.
Should they know why I'm here, or is this between Hawk and I?


"Is there a problem?" Hawk asked, walking inbetween the two of them.

"Oh, hello, Mica," he said, like he hadn't been expecting me and cursing me out for not showing up sooner.

"I thoughtsed your name was Ray?"

The second one asked, looking puzzled.

"Ray?" Hawk looked and sounded amused, which I couldn't help but hate.

"You had to do that, didn't you?" I asked him.

"I simply thought it would be polite to greet a friend by their real name."

I stared at him. I couldn't help but realize that he knew exactly what the guards and I had been saying.

He grinned sweetly, and said to his men; "Mica is an expected visitor. We have business we must finish together."

I gritted my teeth at his words, knowing very well what the men would take out of that.

"Right, boss. D'ya wan' 'er tied down again?"

He shook his head.

"No. That will not be necessary."

He turned on his heel and retreated into the alley. I took it as my cue and disappeared after him.

He led me back to his room and closed the door, listening at it for a second before nodding.

I turned around.

To my surprise, several other men sat on the edge of the bed. I glanced at Hawk in surprise.

"They're friends," he said quietly.

I nodded, then addressed the room at large.

"So... What's the plan?"

"We search," said one, possibly the bravest of their group of three.

"I know that. Where?"

The men were quiet, and I felt a deflation in my chest. They didn't know.

"We'll try Decker first," Hawk said.

I turned to him, surprised.

"Decker's the next city over from Trenstri. He'd be farther away for sure."

"I know, but we found him in a newspaper in Higher. It was in the trash and dated several years ago, but it's a start."

"Where else?"

He shrugged, looking bored.

I nodded, and looked down, not quite sure what to say.

"Wait, three years ago he wasn't even here yet! He's been in Trenstri more recently than Decker!"

Hawk shrugged again.

"It's the best we've got. Take it or leave it."

I stared at him as icily as I could.

"We're going to need your abilities on the journey, and-"

"When do we leave?"





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