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As Sasuke grabbed Naruto he hit Naruto in the back of his head and that knocked out Naruto as soon as he did that he laid Naruto down on the bed and went to bathroom and got changed when he came out he noticed that it was getting late and thought he should make dinner as sasuke makes dinner Naruto wakes up " head..." he says "wait sasuke....Sasuke!?" sasuke looks over "yeah Naruto?"  "when did i get here?! are you my kidnapper?!" sasuke looks at Naruto with very deadly eyes and that's what alarmed Naruto but sasuke says "No im not your kidnapper but I did kill him Naruto..." "b-but sasuke why would you-" says Naruto but stuttering "calm down Naruto im not going to hurt you" sasuke walks over to Naruto and crouches in front of him and puts his hand on Naruto's cheek and for Naruto he felt like sasukes hand was warm like a hot cup of hot chocolate and that what made naruto relax for sasuke he was confused cause to him it looked like naruto fell asleep but really it was sasuke hand that relaxed naruto

I have a third part coming Hoped you enjoyed this!!!

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