Diagon Alley

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My parents were pretty shocked after Professor Mcgonagall explained everything about the letter and why I have received one. Apparently I am a Muggleborn Witch, which are magical children of nonmagical parents called Muggle.

There was a list of things I needed for school that came with the acceptance letter. But where was I going to get a wand from? Or the robes and special books? The Hogwarts Professor told us that there was a place here in London where you can get all sorts of magical equipment. She also said that she will bring us there since we obviously cant know how to get there.


We were standing in the middle of an very colorful Alley. It was very busy, kids of every age were going with their parents from shop to shop. Many adults were wearing similar robes and hats to those Professor Mcgonagall was wearing and some were wearing normal clothes just like me and my parents.

..and you can get your wand at Ollivanders over there. He knows what to do when a children enters his shop. I have to go now but I believe you can get the last few things on your own now. Professor Mcgonagall said before disappearing into the crowd.

Where do you want to go now Alice? asked my mom, reading the list again. I think I actually want to get my wand now. Thats probably like the most important thing on the whole list. Before my parents could even react, I was already heading off to the shop which had OLLIVANDERS MAKERS of FINE WANDS SINCE 382 written on it. My heartbeat was slightly beating faster when I entered the shop, seeing as no one was standing behind the counter. Closing the door behind me, I heard an older voice calling from somewhere inside the room. Just when I was about to speak, a man appeared from behind of one of those many shelves.

Oh hello there! You must be here to buy yourself your first wand, right? Still a little bit shy, I just nodded, waiting for what was going to happen now.

The man disappeared in between the shelves again, just to come back with a long box in his Hands. He opened the box which revealed a wand lying inside of it. He gestured to take the wand out of the box but I was still somehow skeptical. Finally shrugging, I grabbed the wand with my right hand.

Beach wood with a phoenix feather core, 11 ¾ long and quite bendy flexibility. He was staring at me but what was I supposed to do? Give it a try. He said so I was making any kind of hand movement, not really knowing what I was actually doing there.

I suddenly felt a warm tingle rushing trough my body. Not knowing what exactly just happened, I still had a good feeling with this wand. This is undoubtedly your wand I would say Interesting, very interesting. He seemed deep in thoughts for a short moment until I started talking to him. Thank you so much Mr. Ollivander. He gave me a warm smile, he looked like a really friendly person. After paying for my wand, I was already heading for the door when he said It was all my pleasure, Alice.Did I ever mentioned my name? Not really thinking about his last words any further, I went to my parents again.

We bought an owl that I could take with me to Hogwarts so my parents and I could send each other letters to keep up with everything. It was a cute Scops Owl with very big eyes.

We only need to get your school books now. Then we got everything you need before heading home again. My dad said, heading into the direction of Flourish and Blotts.

On our way there we passed by a shop with brooms in the store window. A few kids were gathered in front of it, amazed and happily talking with each other. I let my parents continue walking where we were about to head so I could take a proper look at those brooms. While stepping closer to the window, I heard a few boys talking to my left side. I cant believe that we are not allowed to bring our brooms to Hogwarts in the first year. Ive been flying for years already. Said a boy with really blonde hair, probably even platinum. I bet its because of those mudbloods who never even had the chance to know what a broom is! said the chubby one. They started laughing but I dont know what was so funny about it. And what are mudbloods?

I decided to finally join my parents in the book shop. They came up to me and told me that I should go around and take a look at other books, maybe I could find some interesting ones that teach me a bit about the magical world. While I would do that, they gather all the books I need for school. Agreeing on that, I went around the shelves, not really knowing what to actually look for when I accidentally bumped into a girl with very bushy brown hair. Her books fell all over the floor. I immediately bend down to help her picking up the books again. One of those books was Hogwarts: A History. Can you tell me if that book is helpful for someone who doesnt know anything about the Wizarding world yet? I pointed at the book in my hand. Oh you must be a Muggleborn as well! Im Hermione Granger and yes, it is supposed to be very helpful. There are many facts about Hogwarts in it. I got a few different books to prepare myself. Do you want me to show you? Happy that I met someone who is just like me, I agreed and followed her trough the store.

Im Alice Stevens by the way Its very nice to meet you.

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