Chapter 8: Note To Self

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Thank you for tuning in this morning, we have breaking news on the body found at Monument Park late last night. The body of 24 year old Marcus Miller was discovered by a by standard going for a late night run. The 24 year old was pronounced dead on arrival to what seems to be a suicide. Police are asking if you have any information to please contact them at....

I turned the tv off. I couldn't face the fact that he would do that to him self. I looked up at Jay who was just standing there with his hands folded across his chest. "I'm sorry ma." He said. "It's not your fault Jay." I said standing to give him a hug. I didn't know how to feel. Once I wrapped my arms around Jay I felt safe. I felt comfort.
"Can we go get a few more things from my place." I said breaking free from his tight grip. "Yeah. Lemme go through some clothes on." He walked out of the room.

We finally made it to my house. I grabbed my keys and opened the door. As soon as I walked in there was a note sitting on the counter. I grabbed it and opened it.

Dear Kels,
Look I know I haven't been the man you expected me to be, I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry you had to deal with my bullshit. You deserve you someone that's gonna take care of you better than I did. And I hope that one day you'll find that. This is my sorry / goodbye. I love you baby girl.
I folded the note back up and stuck it in my pocket. I fought back tears trying not to think about it. I walked to my room door and opened it. Just as I did a tall black figure hopped out of my window and I screamed. Jay ran into the room.
"What's going on?!" He said. "A man just jumped outta my fucking window." I said pointing. My room looked a mess as if he was looking for something. I didn't feel safe like I used to when I stayed home. I couldn't wrap my head around everything that was going on and why everything bad was happening to me. Before I could even say anything Jay looked at me. "Kelsey you can stay with me for as long as you want, it's not safe here for you anymore. I actually enjoy you stay wit me." I agreed. "So what's the next move." I said looking at him. "Well we'll call some people I know who can move your stuff for you. Or you can get ride of it all and start over new." He said looking at my beat up sofas. "I can't afford new furniture and stuff." "Don't worry I gotchu ma." "thank you jay." I know he was probably tired of hearing that by now. But in the last few days he's done so much for me. Jay was starting to grow on me and fast. I doubt he'd feel the same tho. Curiosity killed the cat, and I was about to find out how he felt. "Jay?" I said walking outside. "wassup?" He said. "Are you moving me into your house because you feel bad for me or because you actually like me?" I said looking down. "Hmmm, both!" He laughed. "I wanna feel you out and really get to know. I see a good future for us." He said grabbing my hand. The funny part was I felt the same. I can see myself with him. But for how long? All men turn out the same. You give them what they want and then they're done with you. The cycle never ends. I don't wanna feel stupid and give in. But i am.....

1 month later....

"All of that stuff is gonna go over there." I said pointing towards the dinning room area. Things began moving fast for me and Jay after I told him I'd move in with him. I stopped working for my aunt at the salon. I was in the process of opening up my own. Jays was at the top of his music career. However he's always gone 5 days out of the week and today was one of those days. Everything was finally going good in my life for once. That was until today....

After getting everything settled into the house, me and Mikyla sat down to have some drinks. First it was 1 glass of wine and then it turned into 3 shots. "Now I see why you always up under that man. This is a bomb ass house!" Mikyla said. "Shut up. he's good to me." I said taking a drink from my glass. "You gave it up didn't you?!?" Mikyla said. "gave what up?" "The cookie! Your hot pocket! You gave that man the golden ticket?!" Mikyla said laughing at me. "That ain't none of your damn business, but if you must know yes I did." I stood up and did a little dance. (lmao a drunk ain't shit.) The room began to spin. My stomach started turning. I ran up stairs to the bathroom, slammed the door and began to vomit everything I had consumed today. Just as I finished Mikyla knocked on the door. "You okay in there girl?" She said. "Yeah I'm okay." I said washing my face and rinsing out my mouth. Something just didn't feel right. I opened the door and seen Mikyla standing in front of me. "Girl I need to go hospital. Something's wrong." she looked at me and started laughing. "You drunk bitch! That's what's wrong." I shoved her to the side and grabbed my phone to call one of our drivers. Not long after I hung up the door bell rang. I grabbed my purse and house keys.

We walked into the emergency room and I went and checked in. 10 minutes after doing so I was called back.

"Hi doctor. I had a few drinks today and now I feel like my stomach is in knots, I can't stop throwing up either." I said. "well lets take a look here. go ahead and lay back." He pulled out a long cord and put some type of cream on it. "I'm gonna do an ultra sound to see if there is and clots or bleeding okay. Just relax." He rubbed my belly with the tool and looked at the monitor. After a few seconds his eyes got big and he kept rubbing in the same spot. "Ms Reece when's the last time you had sex?" He said. "umm about 3 weeks ago. just after moving in to my boyfriends house I believe." I said. "And your last menstrual cycle?" "Hmm maybe last month. I've been stressed out lately and I thought my cycle had changed." I said sitting up. "Okay. Well it seems to be that you are in fact pregnant. We'll have to get some blood work done to know the exact length, but you are definitely more than 3 weeks."

More than 3 weeks pregnant. That means it would be....... Marcus's baby and not Jays?

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