Chapter 14

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Class was awkward, but you know what? LIFE is AWKWARD.

It was coming up to lunchtime and I struggled to write the correct answers to the test.

C'mon, Brittany, I begged her in my head, You must know the answers!

Yes, I do, She thought back in a giggle, But if I told you them, that'd be CHEATING, She sang through my mind.

I growled and tried my best to answer correctly. Just as I was halfway through the exam Miss Smith shouted to the class.

"Okay. Times up."

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

"Miss Smith, I-"

"Don't say a word, Alvin." She told me with a serious annoyed deadpanning face, "Just give me your test."


She snatched it off me, and it was then I realized that I had written the wrong name on it. Brittany's name was written loud and proud and in pink ink on the top of the test. It was then that the image of her name in golden writing fluttered through my head.

"Brittany..." I murmured to myself and she replied confused.


"I think..." I said, realizing something that would change everything, "I think... I actually THINK I know how to... how to..."

How to what?

"How to set... you free..."

She swallowed in my throat, and seemed a bit timid, asking almost afraid, how, Alvin...?

The bell rang suddenly for the class to leave for lunch and I quickly came over to Simon, who seemed to have cooled off a bit from his anger from earlier.

"Simon, Si-!" I said to him, running over and pulling him to face me.

"What, Alvitanny..." He replied back nastily and I made a fake.

"Oh haha,"


"I think I know how to separate me and Brittany."

"Not without my help," He said, smirking as if he was the only one brainy enough to figure out a solution to our problem.

"Yes! In fact! BECAUSE of your help!"

"Huh?" He said, slightly confused and arching one eyebrow up lost, "What are you talking about, Alvin?"

"I think..." I said to him, swinging my arm around his shoulder and pulling him close as if what I said was a secret, "I think I found the answer."

Simon's face was empty, apathetic and stone cold.

"I'll show you..." I said to him and pointed to the world outside the class glass windows, "Come with me."

It was only minutes later that I stood outside in the yard of the school grounds, many young teenagers gathering around me and Simon to see what all the fuss and news was about.

"You see this crowd?" I told Simon, slapping his back and making him trip forward slightly, "They came because they believe in me."

"No," Simon told me harshly, folding his arms and rolling his eyes, "They came to see you fail."

"Tomato, ToMAto," I replied, not really understanding the difference.

"Now, you're sure this will work, right Alvin?" He made me swear and I waved his question away with my hand.

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