Chapter 1

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Wilbur's P.O.V

I never thought I'd be jealous of George, Dream, and Sapnap until now. I honestly don't know why I'm jealous. It's not like I would want to be a part of their relationship. I'm not even gay. Plus, I don't even talk to them that much. I don't even have enough time for a relationship. Especially one like they have. A fourway relationship is a waste of time.

"Wilbur, why do you even think about them if you don't like them?" A familiar voice asked. I quickly turn to face the door, where Tommy stood.

"How did you I was thinking about that?" I ask, calming myself down.
Tommy sighed and walked towards me.

"Because ever since they announced their relationship to the rest of us, you've been staring at them with sadness. You try to hide it, but it's obvious to everyone. Everyone but Dream, George, and Sap." Tommy explained.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

Tommy nodded. "Very." I sign and slump down in my chair.

"I don't know what to do! They're just so cute together and it makes me....jealous. Is that even the right word?" I ask, looking down.

"I don't know. Maybe you should talk to them." Tommy said.
I look at the shorter male like he had just grown another head.

"Tommy, that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard. I don't even know why I'm talking to you about this. Maybe I should ask Eret or Ant." I say getting up from my chair. I made my way to the door but turned around to look at my right hand man.

"Bye." I wave. Tommy waved back and started spinning around in my seat. I sigh and walk out the room. I walked down the hall and down the stairs where I am greeted by Tubbo and Niki, who were talking to each other about...bees. They didn't seem to notice me, so I just walked past them. I walked outside and my way to find Eret or Ant.

While walking, I see Dream and George talking-- no...more like flirting. I felt a wave of nervousness and jealously hit me like a bat hitting a baseball. When Dream's eyes made eye contact with me, it made me realize I was staring. Dream smiled at me making me smile back. George turned around and waved.

I waved back before continuing my walk. Or at least, I wanted to. "Wilbur, where you going?" Dream asked me. I stopped in my tracks and cursed under my breath.

"I was going to find Eret." I answered honestly. Dream and George looked at me confused.

"Why? Didn't you guys end on bad terms? Like...he betrayed you." George asked.
I shrugged.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Why do you two care? Also, where is Sapnap?" I asked, kinda harshly.

"First off, because you're acting weird. Second, Sapnap is hanging out with Karl. Karl needed help with something." The brit said, kind of taken back by my unneeded harshness.

I shook my head. "Oh. Well, I'll talk to you guys later, I guess. I really do need to get to Eret before it gets dark." I say, walking off. The couple said their goodbyes and continued their talk.
No matter how much I wanted to push my feelings aside for the three, I couldn't. I can't. I love them too much. I want to be a part of their love filled relationship. But I can't. It just won't work. A rush of sadness crashed on me.
But that wasn't the only thing that crashed on me. I fell down, the person that crashed onto me, on top of me. I blushed as I realized I'm met with Eret, who was also blushing.

"This is hella gay." He joked, his sunglasses slipping down his face a little.
I immediately pushed him off as he started laughing.

"I'm not gay." I stated, knowing that possibly a lie.
Eret calmed himself down and stared at Wilbur.

"So, crushing on not only Dream, but George and Sapnap too is straight?" Eret asked. I stood up and looked at his feet.

Eret sighed. "I was joking." He said.

"No it wasn't. I mumbled.

"Yeah, it wasn't."
I sighed in annoyance.

"I didn't come here to be made fun of, y'know." I stated. Eret nodded,

"Yeah I know. You came here to get advice from the Bi king, am I right?" Eret said, standing in a weird pose.

"How did you know?" I asked, slightly confused. Surely Tommy didn't say anything right?

"Eh, I figured. Why else would you came to me? Just to hang out?" Eret asked, readjusting his sunglasses.

"I just don't know what to do. I like them all and I want to be a part of their relationship but I feel like I will ruin it." Wilbur ranted, his voice filling with sadness ince again.

"I can help you." Eret offered.

"You would?" Wilbur asked, looking at Eret.
Eret nodded and smiled at him.

"Of course! I still consider you a friend and I'm pretty sure Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki wouldn't like you being sad about being single." Eret said. Wilbur suddenly hugged Eret, which caused Eret to jump in surprise. Eret hesitated, but hugged back.

"Thank you."

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