Chapter 8

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A/N- Hey everyone sorry about the dealy I was busy with life stuff and research for writing online so I can bring you better stories. I am still doing a Halloween special don't worry spoopiness insues. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 8

                    Izuku's POV

 I woke up in the nurse's office. I was still a bit groggy. My hand clutched my head as I tried to remember what happened. 'Oh that's right I had a panic attack again. Great first day I see 1-A and I have a panic attack' I sighed. "Yeah it was pretty weird to watch" I heard behind me. I turned my head and Quin was there. "Hey Quin. How did it go?" I groaned. "Well we drew straws on who worked on whom's suits. Don't worry though I have your list here." He stated as he handed me my list.   

As I was looking it over he sighed. "I didn't think you were serious about the ptsd thing. Kinda weird you just told us with no issue." He deadpanned. "Well after living with it for so long. I found it's easier to be up front about it." I stated. 

The list read, Midoriya Kayama-

Yuga Aoyama  

Kyoka Jiro

Asui Tsuyu

Fumikage Tokoyami

Denki Kaminari

Hitoshi Shinso

"I see. Let's hope I can work well with them. By the way what time is it?" I asked. Quin pulled his phone out. "3:20" he told me. "Oh yea we should add each other on dischat and have a full group chat with all of us in it!" I said to him. He chuckled "sure my account name is FrozenLion12...don't ask" he told me. I shrugged and added him and I heard his notification sound go off. "I'll get the others later but for now I have to go see mom and show her I'm okay"  I groaned out. That's going to be a fun conversation to have with her. I need to see if I can bring my medicine to school. I looked around the nurse's office and saw a little old lady reading a book about medical records. "Umm Miss….Nurse, am I allowed to bring my anxiety medication to school with me to try and prevent this from happening in the future" I mumbled out. She looked up from her book. "Oh of course you can. And my name is Recovery Girl." Recovery Girl responded.

"Now if you are feeling better head on out and go see Midnight. She has been worrying non-stop and won't stop calling to check up." She complained. "Okay I will. Thank you Recovery Girl." I expressed as I bowed. While walking down the halls. I began to create the group chat. I named it "Labýrinthos" I proceeded to send to send Quin the server request. I put my phone away. 

I knocked on the door to the teachers lounge. "MOM! ARE YOU IN THERE?" I yelled through the door. I heard someone yelling on the other side. Oh boy, sounds like someone is in trouble! Suddenly the door shot open and the ash blonde with spiky hair walked through the door. I think he said his name was kacchan. He glared at me. He looked ready to pop a blood vessel. "HUH? WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU DAMN NERD?!" He screamed at me. "Uh. I-i'm just h-h-here for m-my mom." I mumbled. "Tsch whatever nerd" he grumbled as he stormed away. Glad I didn't get him as someone I have to work with. He seems like a real piece of work. I looked into the teacher's lounge. As I searched for my mom everyone looked stressed. Then I laid my eyes on where she is. She. Looked. Pissed. I walked over to where Uncle Eraser was. "What happened?" I whispered to him. "Your mother and the explosion problem child got into a fight" he whispered back. I sighed.

I walked over. "Mom come on let's head home. I'll make dinner. You want udon tonight?" I asked, hoping to calm her down.. I hope those cooking lessons pay off. She looked over. "Yeah, that sounds good. Let's get some dessert on the way." She declared. Seems she calmed down a bit. She walked out but before I followed her out I went over to Uncle Easer. "Hey Uncle, can you send me the basic quirk info and what their suit ideas are? I have that spark of inspiration and won't be able to sleep til I get it out." I stated. "Sure thing. Oh and you'll be meeting them properly tomorrow and they can tell you their style. Get to know them." He deadpanned back with that I left. 

Time skip brought to you by chibi Midnight eating Cheesecake

I reviewed the email we Uncle Easer sent me. 'Looks like Kyoka Jiro has jacks as her earlobes. She has enhanced hearing due to this and even more so with her jacks plugged into stuff. Might be tough to hear with outside noise though. I should make some earplugs that are easy to remove.' I looked at her hero suit. It looked very punk rocker. I can work with this. Before that I need music. I stood up, cracked my knuckles and grabbed my headphones and phone. Time to make my new playlist to get into the mood. I started adding a lot of punk rock bands like green day and deep dope. I put in my ear buds and go to work.

Hmm I could make the earplugs look like headphones that would work with the suit design. I also need to work on the speakers on the boots. I began to work on the suit. The hard plastic for the speakers was tough to get right. But after the long night the speakers and headphones are done. *Yaaaaawn* I looked outside. Shit it's morning already. I left my room looking like a zombie. 'Time to make the godsend that is coffee'. "AHH" a scream came from behind me, I turned around. And saw it was my mom. "Stay up all night zombie boy?" She joked with me. All I could do was nod in response as I waited for it to finish. After it was done, I chugged it down, almost not pouring a cup. With that I left for school, my project in hand, not ready for what today had to offer

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