substitute teacher

105 6 5

🖇 ─ fluff(?)
✒️ ─ one shot (1/1)


y/n walked out her house, locking the doors and fixing her high-heels as she made her way towards her car. 

she checked her car mirror to check her face and her hair. she was going to be a substitute teacher for the day. 

she pursed her lips in and made a popping sound, as she rubbed in her lip balm with her lips. 

she sighed and started driving towards her destination. 

*time skip

as she drove towards school grounds, she slowed down, looking for a free parking spot. 

she looked around for a while, the place was getting quite busy since she was quite late. she finally found a spot and drove to the area, not aware she was going to hit a student. 

as she heard a scream behind her car, she immediately stopped and got out of her car, checking if they are okay. 

"my goodness i am so sorry are you alright?" y/n looked at the boy who was on the floor, sitting with his knees bent. 

"can you at least look where you're going?! do you even know how to drive?!" the boy shouted, getting helped by his friend. 

y/n was taken aback from the sudden shout. she then furrowed her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hip. "look, i said i was sorry. i was clearly moving back and you suddenly just popped out of no where. you can't blame me." 

"so you're saying that everything is my fault?" the boy rolled his eyes, not looking at y/n. 

y/n sighed and dropped her hands from her hips. "i'm not saying that this is your fault. just please look around next time, i don't want anyone getting hurt." 

"as if i didn't. i bet you're just a new student who doesn't know the school uniform code. useless bitch." he laughed as he walked off. 

"useless bitch?" y/n frowned softly. she shook her head and proceeded to park her car. 

*time skip

y/n checked her schedule to see her first class was a maths class. she was practically running as her heels clicked across the hall. she was late, but there was obviously a reason. 

she stopped to catch her breath. she stood up straightly and fixed her outfit. she looked at the class and back at her schedule. she hummed and opened the door, revealing a chaotic class. 

paper balls being thrown everywhere, students talking and yelling at one another, one.. sleeping. you name it. 

y/n sighed and placed her books down. she stood in front of her desk and leaned backwards, waiting for her students to notice her. 

no one seemed to notice, which then made y/n annoyed and frustrated, but of course she didn't want to show it. 

"everyone." she clapped. 

the class then went silent, chairs shuffling around, eyes at the front. 

y/n then smiled and stood up straightly. "thank you. i apologise for being late this morning, as something happened. i am your substitute teacher for today as.... mrs park isn't present." she read off her paper, earning quiet cheers from her students. 

y/n looked up at the class in surprise. "do you guys not like mrs park or something?" she laughed softly. 

"yeah, she is sometimes so bossy and gets super mad when we don't do anything right, for example, not wiping just ONE dot on the chalkboard." a student spoke up for the class. 

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