just an act

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🖇 ─ angst
✒️ ─ one shot (1/1)



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lies. everything was just a lie. 

an act. 

"just to make you happy." jungkook whispered. 

now this is where people misunderstand. 

y/n wasn't a person to force people to do things. she was a perfect girl. almost too perfect for the world. 

from all the dates they both had, to unresting late night talks. 

from cute little kisses, to heated intimate hours. 

everything, was just an act. 

he wanted to love her, 

but he just couldn't. 

he couldn't bring his mind into loving someone perfect. 

someone too good for him. 

*time skip 

"and she was- oh wait. my mum is calling, i have to go now, bye kook! i'll see you tomorrow." y/n smiled widely as she went on her toes, giving a kiss on jungkook's cheeks. 

jungkook smiled warmly at her and waved her goodbye. 

he looked happy. 

inside, he was hurting, he felt sad. he felt awful to do such thing. 

as jungkook turned around, he immediately saw jiwoo, y/n's best friend. 

"hi ji-"

"you don't love her, do you? i can see it in your eyes. you're just faking everything." she spat out angrily, pushing jungkook's chest. 

jungkook became shocked, he knew what she said was true. he just didn't know how to respond. 

before jungkook could clear up the misunderstanding, jiwoo continued. 

"you're using her for just a bet, right?!" she yelled at his face. "you think y/n is such an easy target. you know she loves you a lot. you know she hates being hurt. you she trusts you, more than she trusts ME!"

"JIWOO." jungkook held her wrists to refrain her from hitting his chest. jungkook was hurt too, he really was. 

"don't touch me-"

"i'm not using her as a bet." jungkook yelled out, letting go of jiwoo's hands. 

he ran his fingers through his hair as he punched the wall angrily. jiwoo flinched and immediately stopped him, she knew y/n wouldn't be happy if jungkook's knuckles were broken the next day.  

"t-then what is it? you don't love her, you just want to play with her, don't you?" she scoffed, crossing her arms. 

jungkook looked at jiwoo and shook his head while looking down. he was too ashamed to look up at her. 

he heard jiwoo scoff, he heard footsteps walking away from him, but he spoke up loud enough for her to hear. 

"i want to love her." 

jiwoo stopped her tracks and turned around slowly. she walked towards jungkook and looked at him. she was confused. 

"what do you mean you want to love her? do.. do you not love her? did you ever love her?" she stuttered. 

jungkook looked at jiwoo and then sighed. "i..." he paused. "i never loved her." 

jiwoo softly gasped as she placed her hands on her mouth, holding in her sob. she knew she had to tell y/n. 

"i didn't want to be alone. she made me feel better. she made me feel like i was the happiest man in the world. she was just perfect. the way her eyes just spark when she sees my face, when her lips curve upwards as soon as i give her a hug. everything was just fake. i tried... i tried so hard to love her, but i just couldn't." jungkook looked away. the wind blew on his face, sending shivers down his spine. 

the silence got replaced by soft winds, but everything just felt so small and quiet. 

"can't you see how much y/n loves you? she loves you so much. you don't even know the day when you finally accepted her to be your girlfriend, she couldn't sleep. she smiled so genuinely and happily that day, that day was the happiest smile i saw from her. she's going to be so broken by your fake feelings. you brought the brightest smile on her face, but you know you're going to stab her heart more painful than a knife." jiwoo said softly to jungkook. she kept her head up, but her eyes were empty and sad. "why can't your feelings just be-"

"i can't force my feelings for gods sake." jungkook once again ran his fingers into his hair. 

he felt useless. he felt disappointed. 

"then why? why do you act like that? why are you so fake?!" jiwoo yelled. 

jungkook didn't say a word. he only looked down in shame. 

"because i don't want to destroy the person i love." 

what they both didn't know was that someone was listening to their conversation the whole time. someone almost too perfect for the world. 

"but you were already destroying me, jeon jungkook." 

a/n: short and crappy. 

note: if y'all are confused, basically, y/n liked jungkook for a long time, and so she got rejected a few times by him, but then jungkook felt lonely (as in he felt like he was lacking love from a partner). so then he finally accepted y/n. he knew y/n was a nice girl, he also really admired her. but he was just scared of hurting the person he loved. he was scared to hurt y/n, so he just basically used her for his own needs, but not only he did that, he also gave y/n high hopes into making her think that jungkook truly loved her. 

so life lesson is, be honest about "loving" someone :D don't be a jungkook in this imagine. it is better getting a heartbreak rather than getting high hopes and getting your heart broken even more. 

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