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Content warning: Slight sexual reference at the very beginning


Small sharp breaths escape your lips


Why does it feel so much more intense up here??

Pushed down, against a hard small space, up high, you feel lighter than air.

"The only thing I'm navigating tonight, is you~"

You look into his eyes, those of which aren't usually shown to anyone else, you could feel the pressure rising, your ears popping, and your heart thumping in your chest, the passion you felt tonight was real, and you felt it only for him


"Please what?"

"Please... Please..."



*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep*


A very tired grizzle, echos through an empty apartment room.

Welcomed back to the world of wakefulness, you rubbed the crust out of your sleep deprived eyes and breathed in the scent of suitcases and desperation, reminding you of what was coming in the very near future.

"Hooray! Its today!"

Out of bed, you leap, the floorboards creaking as your feet plummeted out of your bed and ran you straight into the bathroom, looking in the mirror you smiled, confident that today was going to be wonderful!

The beginning of your new life

*(y/n), a collage graduate, smart, but lonely, and lacking in social skills, was in desperate need of a change of scenery. You lived alone with nothing but your plants and books for years, but now thought it was time to go somewhere to meet new people and embark on a journey that could really help you reach your full potential*

You applied for a program called, "The Desert Island Getaway Program" which pretty much meant you were packing up your things, and getting aboard a plane to god knows where, which wasn't the type of thing everyone would be interested in, but you sure as heck you knew it was your type of thing.

"The less people, the better" You said aloud to yourself, as you hiked up your backpack, pulled together your suitcase and slammed the door behind your old apartment, bidding farewell to it forever

"Goodbye, decaying old apartment complex!" you waved a hearty goodbye to your old home, and boarded the now arrived airport shuttle bus.

"Aye~ Non stop shuttle to the airport!" The driver that looked like an old sailor tipped his drivers hat to you as you sat at the very front of the empty bus.

"Where we travelin' to today jet setter!" The driver asked, the smell of sea cucumbers(?) filling your nostrils

"I don't know! And that's the best part!" You jitter in your seat, this probably being the most anticipated bus ride you've ever embarked on

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