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Evelyn's pov

    I ran toward the forest, finding one kid after another. They were trying to hide their presents by having fake footprints and not making a sound, they were good but I couldn't be fooled. "Don't show all your cards at once." That's what Miss Isabella said, so I won't. I'll leave one or two kids out and get the rest. Pretend that I can't beat them. Finally there were only two left, Norman and Emma. I knew they were close by but couldn't tell their exact point. Fall or something you gotta make them that they win and can't lose. So I came to a small river that wasn't deep so I crossed over with a log that had fallen over and "slipped" into the water which then pretended to be all upset about it and dried myself off which didn't help. I heard rustling in the trees. This could be the moment where I win and they don't get suspicious! I looked up and sure enough they were in the tree, I picked up a pine cone and threw it at them.

"Found you guys!" I smiled and walked over to where they were getting down at.

"How'd you know we were there." Norman looked completely mad. I could just feel how tense he was.

"When I fell and got up I heard something in the trees, looked up and it was you guys!" I tried to sound as believable as possible, but obviously they didn't believe me.

"Mhm. That's great..." Emma was being as happy as she could act.

"What do you mean "Talk about you know what tomorrow." Your mood was obviously changed." Narman crossed his arms.

I raised an eyebrow "Exactly what I met."

"Why not tell us now."  Norman leaned in with a smirk on his face.

"Hmm, probably not a good idea like I said tomorrow."

He tilted his head still leaning in, "Why? Is there a problem?" he is trying to get on my nerves, but it's not gonna happen.

I put a finger to my lips and said, "That's something for me to know and for you not to."

"Very well." Norman turned around and walked back toward the house, Emma following behind him.

    When I arrived back there was five minutes left on the small clock. The kids were happy, and began the next round and I was hiding from Norman now. I looked for a leafy tree, I need it to be hard to find me but also findable at the same time. I carefully picked my tree and hid in the leafy branches. I heard someone coming and froze not making a sound. It was Norman. It felt like time stopped. I had to be very still or he would find me. After a few minutes I heard someone else, Ray had come over and tapped Norman on the shoulder to show that time was up. So I came down from my hiding spot. Dangling upside down from a branch I called out,

"So I win?" Turning their heads to me without saying a word I asked, "Well?"

"Oh! Right, yeah you did." Norman said. Waving his hands around. "You just scared me is all."

"Ok. Let's head back then." I got down from the tree and walked back. And they started to follow behind me. I ended up not playing anymore rounds after that I stayed by the tree, coloring. After I didn't do much, I mostly kept an eye on the other children. Until the end of the day where I report to Miss Isabella so I went to her office just like I did yesterday.

"Hello, they are very suspicious of me, I do have a plan to get on their side. It might take one to two days at most."

"Hm, that works but are you one-hundred percent sure it will work?"

"Uh, n-no but it's more than fifty perscent chance they will."

"Very well, and for you to focus more on them three, I have called reinforcements."

"Does that mean I will be leaving?"'

"No, she's just coming here to watch the little ones and scar them a bit."

"Alright. Thank you that is all, everyone else seems to be ok, and don't have a clue."

"Good, you may go."

"Right."  Every time I talk to her it gives me chills, I leave the room and head right to my bed where everyone else is already asleep or just about I lay down and close my eyes, waiting for tomorrow.

I didn't really know what to do for this chapter
I'm sorry, I am pretty tired cause I just made the one before this as well today, I mostly just kinda made it about them playing tag.
:/  But I still hope you liked it I promise to make the next chapter longer
Thank you!

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