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Eveyln's pov

    I walked by the infirmary. I had just finished cleaning up after dinner and thought I would talk to Emma.

"You can still escape!" I heard Ray yell. I stood by the wall next to the infirmary so they couldn't see me.

"No, behind the a clif." Norman said weakly. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. "That big of a clif needs no security." he finished.

So..guess I was right it would be useless to try and escape. I debated whether to go in or leave and I chose to leave. It's their last moment together. No need to ruin it. I went to grab a glass of water, I filled it up and stood there. I wonder if I feel pity for them or is sad that they can't escape...maybe both? It doesn't matter. I saw Norman walk by with a suitcase and suit. Hes leaving.

"Norman." he turned his head around to face me.

"Oh, hey."

"You lied."

"Yeah, sorry about that. You new."


"Why didn't you tell?"

"It would be useless."

"I guess your right, I guess this is goodbye."

"Guess it is." I held out my hand, "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." He shook my hand and left. We said our goodbyes and that was it, nothing more nothing less. I headed down stairs where everyone was at. I was in the back waiting for all of this to be over.

"Where's Ray?" I heard someone ask.

"He was at the Infirmary. Didn't wanna say goodbye." Someone else said. I walked away headed to the infirmary, it's better than staying here.

"Hey." I said sitting on the bed next to Ray.

"What do you want?"

"Don't you wanna say bye to Norman? He's your best friend isn't he?"

"He lied!" Ray made his hand go into a fist. "Why would I want to say goodbye?!"

"You lied didn't you?" There was silence after that but eventually he got up and left.

A few minutes later I left too. Norman was gone heading to his death. I passed Emma who was in tears as she went into the infirmary. I went to the bedroom and waited for sleep to come.

*ding ding ding* I blinked slowly only a second I forgot, one second then I remembered everything. Normans gone. Ray and Emma will probably give up soon. Everythings ruined. I helped the little kids get ready. I went down stairs and set the tables. We ate breakfast and did exams. And went outside. It was like everything slowed down but the time sped up. It was weird. I didn't like it. I played tag with everyone then the bell rang sibling it was time for lunch.

Time Skip

    I walked into the library. I hadn't seen Emma and Ray all day. With my chances it would be way to suspiros to talk to Emma so here I am.

"Hello." I said as I climbed the ladder to where Ray was. He didn't respond. "Look, I can't talk to you for long because of Isabella." I waited. Nothing. "I'm sorry about Norman but sooner or later you got to suck it up as hash as that sounds if you don't you all with die...that's all." He didn't look up at me once. I kinda get it he lost his friend and all hope has evaporated. I left the room.

    I knocked on Isabella's office door.

"Come in." she said I walked in. "Hello Evelyn. What do you need?"

"When am I leaving.?" I quietly ask.

"Excuse me?"

"I kinda assumed since there's no chance of them escaping you would send me back...well probably not alive but you get my point."

"I think I'll keep you here till your twelfth birthday."

"I see..."

"I will recommend Emma as a mom."

"As I suspected. So I will be shipped off on March 13th?"

"Yes. Unless you do something, then I will ship you off immediately."

"Understood. Thank you." I left the room.

    Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months.
Emma and Ray gave up and I helped take care of the kids. Time went on slowly. It's been two months. It felt like something was going to happen. Something big. I was prepared.

After all it was January 14th. Minutes until Ray's birthday.

Hope you enjoyed
Next time I upload it
will be the last chapter
Thanks for reading.
~Author Chan

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