Voices Of Madness

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Ever since I was a little girl, I could hear them. They were always in the back of my mind. Calling to me like a sweet siren song, trying to get free.

Stab her Eris.
Shove him down the stairs Eris.
Wouldn't it be great fun to see what that jock's heads look like caved in Eris?

I eventually gave them names.

Maddison and Kyler.

I've never acted on those impulses, despite the deepest desire to do so at times.

"Watch it Schizo!"

I had medication shoved in me everyday as I grew up. Sometimes they'd stop the voices, my head would feel absolutely empty. Sometimes I'd feel like I had taken a shot of epinephrine straight to the heart with how hyper I'd become. Some medications made the voices louder, I'd feel lethargic. My parents fought over it often when they thought my brother Kaiden and I were asleep. Mom eventually walked out.

"I can't do this anymore Nathan. I can't handle raising a Schizoid for a-"
"Don't call her that Vivian! Our daughter is different, that's all. Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving."

Things got a lot worse after that. Dad started drinking and he became emotional abusive. He went from the father that defended me to the father that constantly blamed me for what happened.

Why don't you just take the old man out?
We could stage it as an accident. Cut his breaks or maybe put something in his drink?

It didn't help that Mom took Kaiden after she got herself a house and a different job. She didn't take me with her. Dad was angry, angrier than ever.

"It's all your damn fault! Why couldn't you just have been normal?! Huh?! Answer me you Schizoid!"

He hit me for the first time, knocked a tooth out and left a bruise. The voices were louder after that...menacing even.

Take your fork to his jugular. He'll bleed out quick.
He deserves it.
Make him bleed!!

Eventually....I snapped. I finally gave in.

The abuse is finally over. Now...how do we get away with it?

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