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Au: ah yes another update because I'm so excited about this story. I hope this eventually comes into the public eye because I'm so beyond ready to continue writing it. also pictured above is a pair of adorable humans :*


Louis' POV

Louis' fingertips throbbed as he tried to rub them against each other to make them warm in his cozy pockets, he decided to walk to that cafe the lads at work had mentioned to him. The idea of being sat around multiple tables surrounded by couples on dates made Louis grossed out, he truly didn't like the idea of love. Once his little legs had entered the smaller, older looking cafe he let the warm air hit his red-tinted nose instantly feeling warmer, he rested his bag against one of the open tables and took in the smell of spices and a strong scent of coffee. He had ordered a small cappuccino and a muffin to keep him company as he knew he wasn't allowed to leave until he wrote something on his topic.

"What can I get for you sir?" the barista asked him with a slight smile peeking up from the corners of her lips, he peered over the menu and ordered what he wanted, making the payment and collecting his new items at the end of the line making his way back to his table. Once he was seated he opened his laptop and created a new document titling it, "Romance in London" he groaned quietly not pleased with Liam as he had assigned him such a dull topic.

As my eyes peered around the room he noticed the environment around him, some making small talk, while others deeply invested in conversion with one another. I noticed a small couple in the back having a rather touching conversion, I noted in my journal about how their body language matched their emotions, I didn't know how I was supposed to compose an article on a topic I had no interest in writing about but I knew I had to, it was my job and I needed it more than anything. 

Louis had been sipping and typing random notes on his master page while the world around him became rather dark, the sun had already set and the cafe was nearly empty, just a few students catching up on homework. He noticed a taller blonde boy in the far corner, he noticed an empty cup sitting across from him, the boy looked worried as his fingers rapidly typed against his phone screen. Louis stayed observing him as he was just about to get up to ask him for an interview his eyes were torn away as he watched a taller man running from across the street in the very direction the cafe was located.

He watched as his scarf flew into the wind with every sprint he took, the boy looked to be in a hurry which was obvious by his rather fast movements, he couldn't make out a face, just the figures silhouette, he was tall, his body was toned and sleek as he noticed his clothing clung to his skin. As the man entered the cafe their eyes met instantly and for a moment the world slowed, time was morphed in a way he couldn't explain, he noticed his breathing had hitched watching this stranger rush into the small cafe in such a hurry he had only made out small details of his face, his eyes, a deeper green, his ruffled curls pulled back into a bun covered by the beanie, he almost looked familiar. The boy had just simply smiled at him before joining the man he had studied earlier, the blonde one.

"I'm so sorry I'm late mate, I got caught up at this interview-" the strange man's voice exploded in the room and he listened contently as there was barely anyone inside it wasn't hard to pick up the words to almost every conversion around him.

"Don't worry about it lad, I ordered us a pot when youre ready, so what it is it you needed to chat about?" the blonde one had spoken almost cutting him off. "I think I might have gotten the job with that magazine I told you about.." the darker-haired boy had looked up at his friend with hopeful eyes and in return, the other smiled widely and fit bumped him earning a cute giggle to escape his lips. Louis didnt know why this stranger was making him feel so different, he wanted to get to know him, and he didn't like it. They continued to speak for a while, Louis was typing relentlessly against his keyboard finally having the right words to say when he picked up something that made him realize why the man was so familiar to him.

"It was so strange before I entered the building I wasn't paying attention to where I was going I mistakenly bumped into a man and he almost growled at me, and muttered something I couldn't make out before I could even apologize, he was gone." Louis sat staring at his computer, so he was the ass who had made him stumble this morning.

"Ah yes, the beanie," he spoke soft enough that no one could hear him, he recognized his strong scent and beanie that rode against his head, without realizing Louis had gone back to staring at the man's appearance admiring how his eyelashes sat beautifully against his eyes, and his lips a light pink as he spoke, when he smiled his dimples would carve in, Louis was mesmerized by his beauty, he felt warm when he was so used to feeling cold. He couldn't understand why a stranger was having such an effect on him. He noticed the blonde friend motion towards him and the beautiful boy turned his gaze to match his, he turned his head immediately realizing what he was doing gaining a concerning look from the others at the table.

Louis had packed his bag up quickly already embarrassed to have been staring in the first place, he tipped the barista and left the cafe in a hurry. In his mind he was overthinking, 'you dumbass, why were you staring anyways, he was a complete ass.' Louis had trained himself to always think the worst of people before he even got to know them so he wanted to do the same for the man he had never properly met. As he left the cafe he found himself taking one last glance as the angelic man before disappearing into the night. 


chapter 3 ladies and gents, this one was a fun one to write, I like having detail in scenes so you can really envision it. Have an amazing lovelies! I will write more hopefully tomorrow. 

x -rae 

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