🎤Lost voice🎤

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(Jasmines P.O.V.)

I'm gonna do it! Today is the day I tell one of my classes that I wanna be a signer! I sit down very excited to tell my class what I wanna be, as soon as Ms. Jones calls me I quickly got up and told everyone that I wanted to be a singer and gave some reasons why, when class was done I was walking to the music room until I hear two boys talking about me.

"Pfft what kinda idiot does she think she is?"

" i don't know, I bet her voice is ugly"

"she probably won't be very good at the band competition"

"I bet the music club is gonna kick her out right after"

"They're probably just using her"

They countined and I just stood there having every word stab my heart over and over again, until someone grabs my hand leading me away from the two. As I look up to see who it is the voice answers before I could look

"You okay?"

It was Sean, the big brother of the music club and I saw him like a big brother to. I nod to him in response and follow him to the music room, when we get there Milly and Zander are fighting while Luke is trying to calm them down with Hailey looking annoyed. Which reminds me of the day I first came into the music room to audition and what their response was. They didn't want me in their life for any reason because me and my friends bullied them, I let my thoughts take over until I feel someone hug me. I stare into their jacket to realize it was Sean again, I hug him back as the music club members stop doing what they are doing and stare at us in concern.

"Are you guys okay?" Hailey asks

"Yeah, we just had a difficult morning" Sean answers for me while letting the hug go leaving our hands together

I didn't like him like a crush or anything he is just the big sibling I never had and need.

"Well, ok let's practice!" Hailey beams

When the music started I tried to sing, but nothing came out. The instruments stopped and everyone except Sean looked at me in confusion

"Jasmine?" Luke asks

"H-uh" Was all I manged to get out if my mouth

"Jasmine what happened?" Milly asks

"E-eh" I tried to talk, but all that came out were noises

"Hey Jasmine, how about we try again tomorrow?" Sean puts his hand on my shoulder

I nodded and signaled if I could go use the restroom

"Yeah, we'll be here when you come back okay?"

I smile at Sean and leave for the restroom

(Sean's P.O.V.)

"Why can't she sing?" Zander asks worried

"I know why.." I say

Everyone looks at me as I sigh and start off

"Today Jasmine told her class how she wanted to be a singer and how she's in the music club, I saw her standing in the hallway on the way to music class then..."

I pause

"These two jerks started talking about her saying things like she's an idiot, we are probably gonna kick her out after the band competition, and that we are just using her. When I looked at her, her eyes were wide and full of fear and sadness. I grabbed her hand and took her here, but on the way she didn't talk at all" I finsh

The rest of the club looked horrified and some a bit angry and by some I mean Zander and Milly.

"Those jerks said what?!" Hailey also looked mad, but sad to

"Is that really what Jasmine thinks?" Everyone turned to Luke

"Does she really believe that we are just using her?" Everyone stayed silent

"Im not surprised she went mute this is the second time its happened"

All of our eyes to the door the see Drew standing there deep in thought

"Why are you.....wait...second time?" Zander looks at Drew confused

Drew nods his head slowly

"I've known Jasmine for a while and in the time I've known her, her mom once told me she got bullied because of wanting to sing. She went mute for a while after that and right now with the guilt of bullying you in the past she needs help to set her mind right and have friends beside her to tell her its okay to truly be herself"

All of us try to take in the information Drew just gave us and silence falls upon us until we hear footsteps come our way.

"Oh hey Jasmine, I brought you and your friends sundaes from the cafeteria" Drew smiles while I just notice the tray in his hands.

Jasmine eyes literally glow up at the sound of sundaes, as Drew hands the tray to Hailey then looks at his watch.

"Sorry, but I gotta go. See you later Jasmine" Drew waves goodbye

"Alright let's eat the sundaes before they melt" Luke suggests

Milly and Hailey sit together backs to the door talking about the band competition as Luke and Zander talk about memories from their childhood next to Luke's drums, that left me and Jasmine sitting on a bench near my DJ set. I look at her and smile, she's like a little sister to me and she acts so silly sometimes, but....I wish she could open up to us more.

"How do you like the sundae?" I ask her

She nods in excitement and I realize there's some ice cream on her nose, I laugh as she looks confused

"You got some ice cream on your nose" I chuckle a bit

"Hey Hailey!" Hailey looks at me

"Do you have a napkin?" I ask

"Uh yeah! Here catch!" She tosses it to me

"Got it!" I reply

I wipe off the ice cream from Jasmines nose as she smiles, I hope that we will be able to restore your ability to sing and talk again. I hope that we can help you heal.

Me: Its not a Jake x Sean thing its a sibling kinda thing

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