Chapter Eight

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Sanem had fixed them their breakfast while Can checked the weather for the next couple of days, he didn't want any surprises, but the risk of storms were very low. He hadn't planned on going very far out, just like the first time. Maybe they would sail to the Costa del Sol, that was close, and a very beautiful coastal town, full of things to see. " Sanem pack us a couple of changes of clothes, I think we will sail down to Costa del Sol, what do you think? He called to her from the kitchen. She was trying to push through the uneasy feeling she had about the boat, for his sake, and embrace it with open arms. " Ok, sounds great, far is that?" She asked. He knew her feelings and tried to ease any fears she had, " It isn't far, and a beautiful view, and we won't go out to far, just far enough to stay away from the reef."  It's really great to see, and they have a wonderful pier that we can dock at." It sounded great, and she was getting excited, so she continued to pack their clothes. 

She had the duffel bag packed and the tote full of provisions ready to go, he made the first trip to the dock with water and drinks and was headed back for more. Sanem still had Huma planted in her mind, her phone rang, " Abla, how are you? Sanem's asked, happy to hear her voice. Emre had told Leila about Sanem's possible sighting of Huma, and she was concerned. " Sanem, Emre told me you think you saw Huma there, is that true? She asked. She answered, " Abla, I know it was her, she said, her voice lowered so Can couldn't hear. " Yes, she was watching us from the shadows beside a building, and when I called to her, she hurried away fast." Sanem revealed. Just saying it again brought on her anxiety, " Leila why would she come here, that's what I'm having a hard time figuring out." But I know she's here to hurt us." She stated. Leila couldn't believe what she was hearing, Huma had always been a threat the both of them, but more to Sanem then anyone. " Abla, don't worry about it to much, it might have been your mind playing tricks on you." She said. Sanem sighed, " I know what I saw, and it was no trick." But we're going out on the boat for a couple of days, just to get away, so I can calm down." She stated.

Can packed the last of the things on his back, with Sanem grabbing the phone charger from the table, " Don't forget the lock the door babe, when you come out. Oh, and pull the shades. Sanem hurried about taking care of the last minute things, locked the door and started after Can. " Can do you have your maps." She asked. " Yes, my love." He answered. " What about the batteries for the radio?" She said . " Yes, my love." He called back to her. " Don't worry, we have everything we need." He said. They arrived at the boat, he went aboard to drop his load, and turned to help her board. She stepped onto the boat, and that feeling hit her stomach. Can knew the look from her, " We will be fine, I have everything under control, just trust me." He said, gently stroking her hair. She smiled, " I do trust you, and I know you have everything under control, so I'm leaving all my doubts on the dock." She said, giving him a kiss. She was determined to make this trip an enjoyable one, if it killed her. She hurriedly put the things away, securing what ever she could.          Cam called for her to come to the deck, " Come Sanem, we're about to start off." He yelled. She went up top to join him, " This is the part I like best." He said, with that big broad smile beaming across his face. " But why so you like this so  much? She asked, hugging his arm as he steered the boat away from the dock. " it makes me feel free, like our destination is unknown." I guess it's just the excitement of seeing something new." He said, his eyes gleaming. She loved to see him like this, it even made her feel that way too. 

It was midday, and the vision of their dock had disappeared, but she could still see the skyline of Malaga in the distance. She had relaxed some, just being there on the deck with him made her feel at ease. He was still giving her a rundown on how to run the boat, all the directions and pointers that he had given her before, but she listened to him again as if it was the first time. His voice calmed her, it made her happy. The weather was perfect, the water was smooth as glass, she couldn't have asked for better. They talked and then they were silent as the hours went by, just enjoying the view as the slide along in the water. He seemed to be in his element, doing what he loved to do. She could see an outline of a pier, up ahead a ways. The lights were visible from where he shut the boat off, " I think we'll anchor here for the night, what do you think?" He said, smiling at her. " Sure, but why don t you want to go to the pier to dock?" She asked him. He smiled, " Because I want you all to myself tonight, out here under the stars." He spouted, with his arms spread out wide, like he was welcoming the incoming darkness. She just shook her head, " Can, you are the most hopeless romantic, that I have ever seen." She eyes glistening as she looked at him.

" Food, we have to have food, my love." He said,,his voice having a bit of a growl to it. She laughed, and went below to the galley to fix up something with what they had. But he had other ideas, as he followed her below. The food would have to wait, " Sanem, we have all night to eat." He said as she tried to wiggle her way out of his grip. " But right now the only thing I need or want is my wife, on this bed....or on the deck.....or on the bow, it doesn't really matter to me, I just need you. He pulled her close, his body already in a fever, and his eyes glazed with desire. She stroked his chest, and he found her mouth, his lips searching for hers. She always got the same effects from him, a weakness the seemed to grip her and make her melt into him. What a wonderful state of happiness they were in right now, as they let their bodies go, as they conquered every desire their bodies willed. Hours later she laid there, wrapped up in his arms, and she wondered why Huma wanted so badly to destroy the love they had for each other. So much so, she would risk going to jail, just to see her suffer. She didn't care what it would do to her son, as long as she ripped Sanem from his life.

Sanem closed her eyes, " You were strong before, after what she did and Can had left, so you can do it again.......This is my valley of truth....and I have to travel it...

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