moonchild |namrose|

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Mornings are full of sufferings. Working hard to save others or yourself. Getting hurt physically or mentally.

Nights are full of cries or stress. That's when you let your tears roll down your cheek. That's when you feel yourself. You could remove the mask freely with no one stopping or judging you unlike the morning where you have to wear that stupid mask and act like someone else.

Most of us are born under the moonlight. Most can't cry in the sunlight but can in the moonlight.

All of us are born to be sad and after suffering we are glad that the pain is over.

When night comes, Rosé and Namjoon dance in the rain to dance off the pain. They've helped each other a lot. They've crashed down together but they still stood up to fight together.

They shed tears together but they've never torn themselves.

When the moon rises, they removed the mask and shout out their pain and everything to the night sky where the moon rested together with the sparkly twinkling stars.

Moonchild. That's what they are. They relied on the moon more than themselves.

They talked all night. They comforted each other all night. They fell for each other all night.

They are each other's moon. Each other's moonchild.

Story inspired by RM's Moonchild

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