✞ It Only Takes a Taste

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The morning was brisk and chilly. Kevin Price huddled deeper into his oversized autumn hoodie, the light gust of wind making him shiver, his bottom lip quivering. He was walking downtown, getting his routinely morning coffee before heading to the church. His best friend, James, had told him numerous amount of times that he was eventually going to get caught, but Kevin didn't give a shit. Coffee was his love and his life.

Kevin pulled the coffee shop door open, the small bells on the top jingling, alerting everyone that another customer had entered. He scowled at the stares everyone gave him, making everyone quickly avert their gaze back to their own business.

He walked up to the counter, glad that no one else was there to slow down his journey. He rang the bell, hoping that a barista could come to the front. He was not in the mood to wait.

"Coming!" A voice yelled from the back, footsteps gradually making their way to the front. The doors swung open from the back room to reveal a short boy, his hair a tousled mess from running his fingers through it too often. He looked unbelievably stressed.

"I'm so sorry, it's been such a busy morning... This is the only time that there hasn't been customers piling in and talking my ear off," he said, obviously stressed.

Kevin looked down at the black plastic nametag that was clipped onto his black apron, gold lettering that read the name: Connor.
"That's alright. I'm in no rush." He gave the boy called Connor a comforting smile.

Connor smiled back, a breath of relief escaping his lips. "Thank you so much. Can I get your name please?" He asked, taking his small notebook out of his pocket and flipping to a fresh page. He clicked the top of his blue pen, his tongue sticking out in concentration.

"Kevin," he responded.

Connor nodded and wrote Kevin's name on the first line on the page. "And what would you like today, Kevin?" He asked with a genuine smile.

Right before Kevin was about to answer, Connor butted back in. "Wait! Don't tell me... You look like a pure black coffee kind of guy." Connor wrote down the order below his name, as if he already knew.

Kevin smirked. "Stalker much?"

Connor's cheeks turned scarlet as he put his pen back into his apron pocket. "I-I've seen you here before. I overhear stuff, y'know?" he said quickly, as if he were completely embarrassed. "That is what you like, right? I'm not mistaking you for someone else?"

"Nope. That is what I always order. How come I've never seen you around here before? I come here almost every morning. I would have remembered a cutie like you." Kevin winked. He couldn't deny that Connor was extremely attractive, but he knew to keep his dick in his pants around other people. Salt Lake City wasn't the most accepting place in the world, especially the old folks. But Connor was too adorable and Kevin wasn't going to just let him slip away.

"Cute? Me? You must be psychotic..." Connor defended, waiting for the coffee machine to dispense the black coffee that Kevin so dearly loved.

"Maybe I am, but I'm not blind." Kevin smirked. "Tell me about yourself, Connor."

Connor blushed, taking the filled up cup of coffee in his hand and bringing it over to the countertop. "Well... My name is Connor McKinley. I've been working here for a couple months. But I hate coffee." He put a lid on top of the paper cup, pressing hard on the edges to make sure it wouldn't come off and burn the flirty man in front of him.

"You hate coffee and you work in a coffee shop?" Kevin scoffed.

"Yep. Hard to believe, right?"

"You're damn right about that. I thought that coffee was just, a normal thing people enjoyed? I mean, I've been drinking coffee since the ripe age of eleven! It's like my drug."

"Do you do drugs?"

Kevin raised a brow. "Excuse me?"

"You act like the kind of guy that does drugs with his friends in the church bathrooms." Connor chuckled.

"That was oddly specific, but no. I don't do drugs. Unless you count as a drug, because I'm already addicted to you and I want to do you in the bathroom." He smirked, leaning forward over the countertop slightly, making the redhead blush richly, his freckles seeming more vibrant now.

"T-That was horrendous, Price. Don't you have any other flirtatious skills that you could put to use?" Connor leaned away, evidently flustered.

"I have some other tricks up my sleeve," Kevin teased, reaching over the counter and taking his coffee. "But first, how much is this?"

Connor remained still, not inputting the coffee into the register. "My treat. Don't worry about it. But... If you were being serious about the whole flirting thing, maybe you could give me your number? You've captivated me... and it definitely wasn't the bad pick up lines."

Kevin's cocky smirk turned into a sincere look of genuine. He nodded, setting his coffee down and taking Connor's hand in his. He took a random pen that was sitting next to the cash register and looked up at the boy. "Can I?"

Connor smiled, letting Kevin know that he approved of him writing on him.

Kevin wrote his phone number on Connor's hand, since he accidently left his cell phone back at home. "There!" He beamed, setting the pen back down. "If you're interested in more amazing pickup lines, you know who to call." Kevin shot him a wink before taking his coffee and leaving, a little more pep in his step than usual.
And it was all because of a certain barista.

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