Daddy Duty

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"How do I put this thing on you?" TaeYeon observes carefully how she will put the clean diaper on her babies.

"Tiffany will definitely kill me but oh well you leave me with no choice." She figure out by her own and let her instinct took care over her problem with diapers while her wife was sleeping peacefully inside their room.

"Uwaaa!" Wendy cried loudly when she felt her diaper was wet with her pee pee and the innocent fox quickly changes the diaper after she pampers Irene.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Wendy yah." The fox sang a song but it looks like the twins doesn't like it unlike when their mother, Tiffany was the one who sings it for them at night.

"Not you too, Irene." TaeYeon sighed.

"What's the matter little cubs?" TaeYeon asked her little cubs whose gone mad and loudly cries but she noticed something on them, Irene started to grow her silver tails on her bum followed by her twin sister Wendy.

"So, that's why you're crying." TaeYeon carried them both in her arms and they cuddle on the carpet, she transform into a nine tailed silver fox and nestled her little cubs on her soft fur that Tiffany loves.  Slowly, Irene and Wendy fell asleep on their father's warmth.

"Finally." She watched them sleep before TaeYeon joins them into their dream land.


"Taetae?" Tiffany woke up and heard nothing but silence in the house so she decided to peak on them outside and saw the adorable scene of her small family. TaeYeon returned to her human form while snuggling with her newborn twin babies nestled in her arms.

"So cute." Tiffany search for her phone and take a photo of them asleep, she will post it later on her social media.

"Did TaeYeon cook?" She went into the kitchen and saw the kitchen was already clean by her lover before she played with their twins.

"I must cook now before she wakes up." Tiffany despite with her not so fine condition after giving birth, she decided to cook for them for dinner.

"She must be tired." Tiffany laugh after hearing TaeYeon's light snore from the living room while she prepares the ingredients of her recipe.

"The twins must love her so much." She spare a glance towards her family before she continue her cooking.

"Mushroom soup sounds great." She happily making their dinner for tonight as she let TaeYeon sleep with their newborn babies.



"You must be happy playing with them?" Hyoyeon said while listening to TaeYeon's story with her little cubs.

"Of course, they're my kids." TaeYeon told them the whole story about her and thankfully, Hyoyeon and Yoona was easily accepted the fact about her.

"Irene was adorable." TaeYeon boastfully said.

"What about Wendy?" Yoona asked.

"She's a happy kid." TaeYeon widely smile when she remembers how Wendy always lighten up the mood every morning and makes her mother laughed most of the times.

"You need to marry your girlfriend now, TaeYeon since it was the right time and also me and boss will help you! Right, boss?" Hyoyeon elbows her boss who glares at her in an instance but seeing TaeYeon's confused face, they explained it step by step for her before she finally understood the message.

"So, we need to propose to her? TaeYeon asked.

"It's only you not us." Hyoyeon snorted because she's still single after she broke up with lover a few years ago.

"Can you help me?" TaeYeon ask.

"Of course." Hyoyeon and Yoona said in unison.


"Tiffany? I'm home!" TaeYeon hollers and was greeted by her two adorable cubs on the carpeted floor wiggling their tails.

"Oh, Taetae welcome home." Tiffany already knew about the tail stuffs which was explained by TaeYeon. The twins was having their tantrums because of their growing tails together with their canine teeth.

"How are you today with them?" TaeYeon asked since Tiffany stayed at home for awhile until she recovers after giving birth.

"We're fine and they definitely missing their Papa too." Tiffany said before she takes TaeYeon's backpack from her and let her sit on the couch.

"Irene's tantrum was no joke." Tiffany sighed when she experience how Irene's strength slowly getting stronger when she cried because of how she grip tightly on her mother's hand.

"I wonder when and how can they transform into a fox?" TaeYeon thought while she watches her babies doing some random cute stuffs with their hands while Wendy staring at her twin sister blankly.

"Wendy was the calm one." Tiffany observes.

"Irene was born to be a warrior." TaeYeon jokes made her lover laugh.

"But she's the sweetest and adorable one for me while Wendy was Mama's happy pill." Tiffany carried her twins before she sat besides her lover who was resting on the couch.

"I really love them both." Tiffany murmurs before she peck her twin's forehead.

"Taetae?" Tiffany called her lover but looks like she immediately fell asleep when she comfortably sat on the couch while talking with her.

"You looks more like our babies." Tiffany study her lover's adorable face as she suddenly remembers her late parents right now.

"My parents will be proud of them." Tiffany refers to her children who will grow up smart and beautiful in the future.

"I want Wendy to be a doctor while Irene as a policewoman?" Tiffany softly laugh when she want Irene to be a police because of her sharp, tough and strength personality while Wendy as a doctor whose calm and smart.

"Sleep well." Tiffany softly whispers before she slowly closing her eyes.

To be continued

A/N: Seulgi will appear on the following chapters when the twins grows up already ^^

With Love,

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