Chapter twenty-three

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Y/n convinced herself it was an error, but when she walked back into the living room, there stood Draco, and her housekeeper, Anna, glaring daggers at him.

Being that Y/n didn't have any other source of company, the girl had confided in Anna about her boy problems. She's been team Harry ever since she heard about the night in the astronomy tower.

"Ms. Godwin it seems as though you have a guest" The woman said with a fake smile.

"Thank you, Anna!" Y/n politely exclaimed, and the housekeeper mouthed 'Dump his arse' in response.

"uh...let's go somewhere private." Y/n said and quickly pulled Draco up the stairs into her bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n whisper yelled.

"I thought you'd be a little more excited to see your boyfriend." Draco replied raising his eyebrows.

He hadn't even planned to visit, until this his mother shoved a luggage into his hands and basically forced him out of the house.

Apparently, Narcissa had convinced Lucius that Draco needed to visit Y/n so that she wouldn't 'lose interest'. Narcissa also made sure to note that the Godwins were in Germany for the week.

"I mean I am...but, my parents have a very strict rule about who's allowed in and out of the house. A list that does not include you."

"Are your parents' home?"

"No. They're in Germany for the week."


"So, Malfoy. I don't want to see you right now. I need some time to myself."

"You've had the entire Summer to yourself."


"I think that you're just afraid of your feelings for me." Draco whispered while walking closer to the girl.

"I think you just want to deny that you missed me. Because, Godwin I missed you too." Draco said in a low voice, lifting the girl's chin with a single finger, so that their faces were now only inches apart.

Y/n wanted so badly to not give into Draco's gaze, but with one look into his silver eyes she melted and completely ignored everything that told her to stop.

Never said I love you┃D.M.Where stories live. Discover now