Chapter twenty-seven

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Y/n stared at the empty wall in her bedroom. Four months had passed, and she now had the words "witty" burned into her arm from when she snapped at Bellatrix out of habit. After that day, she stopped using her tools, and rarely came to torture her.

The girl knew Christmas was coming soon, meaning Draco and her would be sleeping under the same roof, him unaware of her presence.

Meanwhile, her resentment for him grew by the day and she resisted the urge to catch a quick glimpse at what he was doing through her mirror, reminding herself that she shouldn't care about what new girl he was leading on.

By now, she had read through Narcissa's books at least one hundred times, and had resorted to keeping up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron's travels.

Their journey so far was rough. She hoped that maybe Harry could save her from this seemingly hopeless situation.

Today, Y/n was laying in her bed fiddling with the ring on her finger, a constant reminder of Draco. She would dispose of it, but that would only be giving him the power, right?

The girl filled any free time with writing letters to Draco, not with the intention of ever giving them to him, but with the intention of spilling her guts into the pages then crying pathetically.

Not the best way to cope, but at least she was trying.

Narcissa slowly opened the door and watched as the poor girl's eyes met with hers.

"I...I noticed that you read all of your books, so I brought some new ones and a little friend." The mother stammered.

"Thank you." Y/n replied politely as Narcissa handed her five new novels.

"it's alright dear, come in." Narcissa said kindly.

Y/n's eyes grew wide as Luna walked in timidly.

"Luna!" The girl exclaimed pulling her friend into a tight embrace.

"Y/n!" She replied with a soft smile.

Narcissa held back a laugh as she watched the joyous reunion and quietly shut the door.

"I missed you" Y/n cried.

"I missed you too."

"There's so much I need to tell you." Y/n said as she pulled out her mirror.

After Y/n explained her situation, the two girls watched over the golden trio for hours. Both too engaged to speak. Neither were bothered by the silence though, the presence of each other felt familiar, a feeling they hadn't felt in a very long time.

"Have you..." Luna began.

"No. I refuse." Y/n interrupted already knowing where she was headed.

"You don't want to know what he's doing?"

"No. I hate him."

"You don't mean that."

"Yes, I do."

"Well I think he really does love you."

"I don't"

"Y/n you won't know until you try."

The girl sighed and gave in. She didn't expect herself to give in so easily after all those nights of self-discipline, but she did.

Draco's sad face appeared on the mirror. He was playing with his snake ring on the ledge of the astronomy tower.

Y/n and Luna observed the boy's expression as he whispered "You're the worst" as if he were talking to the ring. Y/n knew he wasn't though.

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